Office Workers - Page 6

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

90 results


Kail Black is a soldier sent to an Antarctic research base to study supernatural phenomena. One day, he wakes up to find the base has been attacked by a strange creature, leaving only him and a man named Revo. More unsettling than his loss of memory is the fact that every night, Kail dreams of having wild, animalistic sex with Revo. “We’re going to have our baby here.” #Non-human/SupernaturalBeing #MorallyAmbiguous #TsundereUke


Puss in Suit, Pup in Tie

"Warning: Yaoi content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older."Sunwoo looks like a harmless little puppy on the outside, but everyone in the office knows he's more of a feisty cat - sensitive and aloof, through and through. Hyunjin, on the other hand, is like a big friendly dog - always ready and oh-so-eager to befriend Sunwoo. After his fruitless efforts to avoid Hyunjin within the office, Sunwoo gives him an ultimatum that results in their unlikely new friendship. Rocky roads await the puss in suit and pup in tie!Goyangiui Suteu Gaeui Nektai / Cat's Suit, Dog's Tie / Traje De Gato, Corbata De Perro / /


Quiet In The Office!

Kim Na-Yool Is An Overworked Designer Working At Ethical Communications, A Famous Advertising Company. Night After Night, She Remains In The Office To Labor Away A Job That Never Seems To End. But One Day, After A Long Journey Of Misfortunes Including The Loss Of All Her Precious Work Due To Her Computer Overloading, Na-Yool Loses It. That’s It! No More Sacrificing Her Life For The Sake Of A Company Who Does Not Deserve Her! In A Sudden Burst Of Courage, She Barges Into The President Office To Rebel. There, She Witnesses Her Handsome Boss, Kwon Si-Jin, Secretly Enjoying Jerking Off… The Weird Office Romance Of A Pervy Ceo And His Hardworking Underling! What Exciting Events Await Na-Yool’s Long Sleepless Nights?


Really Truly Getting A Divorce

“Gobae” had a hard time carrying her head when she was the main character of the “Storm Strong Kick” meme. In order to leave Korea, she will get a fake marriage on the premise of getting divorced with Hangyul, a permanent resident of Australia. However, to be accepted, one must prove the “true love” between the two. What is true love? True love is not easy. And it’s also not easy to keep a relationship undiscovered which is a fraud itself!Really Really Divorced / Really Really Getting Divorced / Truly Indeed Getting a Divorce /


Return Of The Legend

Read Manhwa Return Of The Legend Online For Free On Zinmanga Associated Names: Die Rückkehr Der Legende / El Retorno De Una Leyenda / Le Retour De La Légende / The Legendary Return / ตำนานคืนตำแหน่ง / 회귀의 전설 The Content Return Of The Legend: Due To The Situation Like The Second Imf, The Security Company Jang Taesan Worked For Goes Bankrupt, And He Becomes An Unemployed Man Wandering Around Noryangjin-Dong. He Loses His Life Saving An Elementary School Student Who Was Almost Hit By A Car. But Thanks To His Good Deed, He Goes 14 Years Back In Time And Is Welcomed To A New Life. However The Joy Of Being Revived Is Short-Lived. The Thought Of Having To Take The College Entrance Exam Again Makes Me Dizzy… But I Remember All Of The Csat Problems That I Encountered While Studying And The Stock Market Graph I Saw While Working As A Stockbroker…?! The Last Life Was Ruined, But The This Next Life Will Become A Success! New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter In The Snow I Became The Youngest Member Of Top Idol Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Rookie Employee Kim Cheolsu

Read Manhwa Rookie Employee Kim Cheolsu / 신입사원 김철수 On The Day He Was Rejected By The Company He Had Devoted His Life To, He Went Back To The Moment Of His First Day At Work. Kim Cheol-Su, A Low-Spec Rookie Employee Who Joined Han-Young, A Leading Domestic Company. Can He Finally Achieve His Long-Desired Position As The ‘Ceo’ In This Lifetime?


Rose Without Thorns

It was not easy to be the son and successor of a major hotel company. After spending his life for 16 years abroad, Yoo Seungha came back to Korea to succeed as an executive of his family's hotel business. Seungha was an workaholic who was ignorant of love life, until he met Han Seyeon. Turns out, she is the concierge manager in the hotel owned by his family. The misunderstanding on their first meeting leads them to understanding each other. However, they come from very different family backgrounds, which eventually became the wall they have to overcome to make their relationship work. 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Seiryaku Kekkon Zentei!? Mitsuai no Gishiki

To help save her family\'s failing business, Sawako agrees to undergo a Shinto rite in which she will be symbolically married to the god of her family\'s shrine, a deity responsible for good harvests and business success. However as soon as the ceremony is complete the god appears in person to claim her as his bride--and as far as he is concerned there is nothing \"symbolic\" about it!


Suezen Kurau wa Otoko no Tachi

Sera, a sexually curious salaryman, has newly set his sights on Ryo, a new employee at his favourite bar. He tries to talk to him about sex, a new kind of pleasure, but Ryo is popular with men and women of all ages and has a lot of experience. But he can\'t catch on, and when he pesters him, Ryo gets mad and teaches him about the pleasures of the backside...


Tears On A Withered Flower

Read “Tears On A Withered Flower Novel” – “Tears On A Withered Flower Manga” Online Free At Hot Manga The Summary Of The Comic Tears On A Withered Flower: Na Hae-Soo’s Life Unravels When Her Husband Betrays Her With An Affair, Leaving Her Burdened With Debt And Losing Their Child. In A Devastating Blow, She Witnesses Him With A Younger Woman. Broken And Despondent, Na Hae-Soo Feels Her Life Crumbling Around Her. However, A Mysterious Young Man Unexpectedly Enters Her Life, Asking To Be Taught About Adult Love. His Vulnerability And Sincerity Begin To Stir Emotions Within Na Hae-Soo, Challenging Her To Reconsider Her Path Forward. “Tears On A Withered Flower” Is Also Known As: 시든 꽃에 눈물을 The Comic “Tears On A Withered Flower” Belongs To The Genre: Manhwa, Mature, Romance “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging
