The story follows the crazy misadventures of Kaizo Katsu, a former child prodigy turned weirdo after his female childhood friend, Umi, kicked him off a jungle gym in the playground, and he got a huge bump in the head. With this set up, Kaizo (believes he is a cyborg) and his classmates, Umi (will go revealing her dark side with every chapter), Suzu, and Chitan (an inferior being?), will treat in every chapter a different topic of life with the hilarious and interesting way of thinking of the author Kumeta. The attacks of different geniuses/weirdos will create a lot of funny situations. Included is a story called Yuuryoubukken Chuukaishimasu (A Brooding, Gloomy Property) in vol. 13: A young man moves from his hometown to Tokyo to attend university there and looks for cheap accommodation. He does indeed find something, but what is the non-monetary price for this?
Shinwoo Cha likes it rough. When Shinwoo spies his hot frenemy neighbor Taegyung Han and a K-pop singer and his idol Inoch making out, his life will never be the same. He becomes the duo's boy toy, and they pass him around during very awkward moments, and Shinwoo must figure out how to bluff his way amongthe people. Can he hide his mother's shocking past and his own lusts, or will bullies continue to tease and beat him up? Will he discover whether Taegyung is provoking the bullies or really defending his dignity? And will Shinwoo finally find the meaning of love in a world of conformity and boring rich people?
A city in a quiet province. There is a huge mansion that symbolizes the city. Yeon-ho, who is sold to this mansion instead of his fugitive father and works as an employee, wants to one day pay off all his debts and leave the mansion but.... The owner's family of the mansion suggests a dangerous relationship to Yeon-ho. YeonHo is the servant who took care of his young master since he was young. Upon growing up, the young master goes to Seoul, only to return home at the news of his mother’s death. There he meets YeonHo again and asks his father, the “master”, to make YeonHo his servant once more, but is rejected. YeonHo then asks the same favor after the young master leaves the room, the master then says he will let YeonHo serve him, however, it comes at a price...
Mutsumi Igarashi is a punk who works at a convenience store. For some reason, the hot regular, Hayato Kuzumi, picks on him whenever he goes into the store. Hayato's criticisms drive Mutsumi up the wall, so to soothe himself, he listens to Prince Lion's voice in his favorite romance game for girls. Just as Mutsumi is fretting over anyone finding out about his guilty pleasure, his phone breaks. His coworker, Tsubasa Kazami, hooks him up with a part - time cleaning job for money to buy a new phone. However, his new boss turns out to be Hayato! One afternoon at Hayato's place, Mutsumi stumbles upon Prince Lion merch! What's Hayato doing with it
Years after losing his first love, Sina, to another man, Geonwoo is out for revenge. He's gone from rags to riches, but finds out that she's drowning in debt; it's the perfect chance to get her back with his wealth and power. After tricking Sina into signing a binding contract, Geonwoo hires her as his housekeeper. What exactly do his secret plans entail, and will the two be able to rekindle their once dream-like romance?
Another series by the author of Jigokuren ~Love in Hell~. Set in the same world as Love in Hell but with all new characters. Spinoff series to Jigokuren - Love in the Hell.
Kurokouchi Keita is the black sheep of the police force. He works alone, and doesn't think twice about extorting money from the dirty politicians by getting hold of their achilles heels. Using the money and whatever bits of information acquired through underhanded means, he gets closer and closer to the ultimate unresolved crime of the Showa era (1968); the 300 million bank heist. One day, the new rookie Seike Mayo, is assigned as Kurokouchi's partner. Excellent, but naive, she is the exact opposite of Kurokouchi, but nonetheless, the duo combi relentlessly chase down the criminals.
Lena Has Been Counting The Days Until She Comes Of Age. This Is All To Finally Confess Her Feelings To Nix, Her Teacher, So That He Can Become Her Husband Instead Of Her Guardian. But On Her Long-Awaited Birthday, Nix Suddenly Vanishes Without A Trace, And Five Years Pass In The Blink Of An Eye. Lena Dutifully Tends To Nix’s Store While Waiting For His Return. Then One Day, Out Of The Blue, She Receives An Absurd Letter From Nix That Says He’ll Be Sending Prospective Husbands Her Way That He Has Carefully Sought Out And Selected During His Absence. All Lena Wants Is For Nix To Come Home, But Surely It Couldn’t Hurt To Play Around With These Candidates In The Meantime, Right?
Weird boyfriends do weird things, but hiring someone to film a sex tape without consulting their partner? That goes beyond weird. Even if it’s supposedly for the sake of their relationship, Jay’s reluctant to oblige to his boyfriend’s spontaneous request. The filming part doesn’t bother him too much, but he’s not comfortable with having a total stranger watch them go at it. Once the camera starts rolling, however, Jay notices Jae-yoon’s flushed face behind the camera and insantly loses himself in Jae-yoon’s gaze...
Jaewon is reunited with his old classmate during a taekwondo lesson. But Jung-wook is no longer the timid dork from school. Instead, he's a fully-grown hunk who's huge in more ways than one! It's clear to Jaewon that there's animosity between them, but why? And how come he can't recall if they were friends or enemies? It's all so hazy! After class, a fall in the shower causes Jaewon's lost memories to begin trickling back to him. And the question, “Did I do something wrong?” sets the two old classmates off on a steamy journey to recover Jaewon's forgotten past…