The tale follows Shuki, the third princess of the Kingdom of Tou, who endures scorn and disdain due to her familial background. In the midst of her struggles, she finds solace in the company of her childhood friend, Kouei. However, their bond is shattered when fate takes a cruel turn, forcing Shuki into an arranged marriage with the second prince of a neighboring kingdom, tearing her away from the only person who brings her joy.
Read Manhwa The Saint Dreams Of A Secret Love / The Saint Dreams Of Secret Love / 성녀는 은밀한 사랑을 꿈꾼다 Leah, Who Suddenly Becomes A Saintess, Leads A Secluded Life In The Academy’s Auxiliary Shrine Before Being Publicly Announced As The Saintess Who Reappeared After 50 Years. During Her Time At The Academy, She Meets A Man In The Quiet Third Library And Ends Up Having A One-Night Encounter With Him…
A 34-years-old NEET otaku is chased out from his house by his family. Unattractive and penniless, he finds that he has reached a dead end in life and realizes that his life actually could have been much better if he had made better choices in the past. Just when he was at the point of regret, he saw a truck moving at a fast speed straight towards three high schoolers in its path. Mustering all the strength he had, he tried to save them and ended up getting run over by the truck, quickly ending his life. The next time he opened his eyes, he was already reincarnated into a world of sword and magic as Rudeus Greyrat. Born to a new world, a new life, Rudeus decided that, "This time, I'll really live my life to the fullest with no regret!" Thus, starts the journey of a man yearning to restart his life.
The highlight of chef Mei Suzumori's year is the Tanabata Festivalthe one day a year when a pair of mythical lovers reunites. For Mei, it's the day that a mysterious, handsome stranger visits his adopted family's restaurant to buy tasty seasonal taiyaki. This year, unable to hold his feelings for the attractive stranger back any longer, Mei professes his loveand finds he's linked to the enigmatic Naru by a bond much deeper and more complicated than he ever imagined.+
Carlyle, a non-dominant Alpha born in an aristocratic Alpha family, had difficulty having a mandatory relationship with an omega and even received counseling. The counselor encouraged him to have sex with an Alpha in order to overcome his difficulties. As Carlyle searches for a partner, he gets to meet Ash by chance. The two once shared a kiss on New Year's Eve but unfortunately, the aristocrat doesn't seem to remember. As Carlyle began to meet Ash more frequently, he started to develop feelings for him. What will happen at the end of their relationship?(FujoMelon Scans)
By the will of the goddess, Itsuki Shinomiya was given the privilege of choosing various abilities and being reborn in another world. However, before going to the other world, he didn't want to involve himself in scary, dirty, gross things like battles. Fiercely determined to live a slow life, he chose the unique skill [Pocket Money], giving him an amount of money once per day. "With this, I can hang out with girls without having to work!" Dreaming of avoiding battles and living with cute girls, Itsuki stepped into the other world! But the reality was not that simple. Getting attacked by giant bugs, getting caught up in arguments at the guild, and getting stuck with slaves?! In the end, will Itsuki be able to live his ideal slow life?! Using unique skills and manufacturing skills, an exciting other-world slow life with beautiful girls starts now!
Peter Grill is known throughout the land as the world's strongest fighter. He has a girlfriend who he's steadily trying to get closer with. Life is good for him. Until he realizes that dozens of women, who want to bear strong children, are all vying for his seed.
Onepunch man Manga One punch-Man imitates the life of an average hero who wins all of his fights with only one punch! This is why he is called Onepunch man Manga. This story takes place in the fictional Z-City. The world is full of mysterious beings, villains and monsters that cause destruction and havoc. An association of heroes has been established to protect the citizens from all harms and enemies. People with superhuman ability can register themselves with the association that protects citizens. There, they will be required to take a series of tests to determine their ability and what class they are. Class S being the highest and class C being the lowest. Characters in Onepunch man Manga Saitama is the titular Onepunch man Manga that is so powerful that he can defeat very powerful monsters and villains in just a single punch. Ironically, his life is boring because he is a superhero. The fact that he is so strong and powerful proved to be boring to him as hell. There are a lot of characters in the manga Onepunch man Manga is our favourite in this. Heroes and villains have interesting abilities and very powerful personalities. However, most of them heroes and villain are featured as background and support characters. Saitama He used to be your typical Salaryman. He is middle aged and lived a rather boring and normal life. One day he saw a kid being attacked by one of the giant monster lobster. He helped the kid and somehow defeated the monster. From that very day, he decided to become a hero. He chose to train every single day for three years. He was very determined. He trained with an all inhuman’ workout routine of 100 push-ups , 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and 10 kilometers running and eventually gaining superhuman strength and speed. He also lost his hair. Saitama is an amusing and entertaining protagonist. Genos Genos is a cybog and he saw Saitama’s capabilities and assigned himself as his student. He’s become a hero to revenge against a mysterious robot that killed his entire family. He follows Saitama to gain the strength he needed to achieve his goals. Other attractive Manga: + Read One Piece Manga + Detective Conan Manga
Yu Eunha is the unfortunate heroine of the erotic BDSM novel The Demon's Vivace, where she endures daily beatings from the male leads. Her miserable existence seems never-ending—until the author suddenly announces an indefinite hiatus. Desperate to keep her story going, Eunha decides to take matters into her own hands: if the male leads won't continue to torment her, she'll make them suffer instead. But when the Demon King, who's supposed to be her cruel master, refuses to harm her, Eunha flips the script and embarks on a mission to train him into the perfect sadistic lord. Can she turn this reluctant villain into the ruthless master she needs, or will her twisted plan backfire spectacularly?
? This work contains elements that require caution, such as coercive sexual behaviour, so please be careful when viewing.One day, Jang Ho-Yoon picks up a mirror on the street. But during that night a mysterious man emerges from the mirror and almost rapes him, he covers the mirror with a cloth in disgust... But he realises that his luck has strangely improved since that night.
"The way you're sucking it... is kinda lewd." Late at night on the emergency stars at work, only the sounds of heavy breathing resounds... The kiss I exchange with my unpredictable coworker makes my reasoning melt away... Satsuki Mamami who works as a web director is taking on a new project, so she decides to ask her coworker, the systems engineer Ryosei Shiiki, for help. Ryosei is famous for his aversion to overtime work. However, after two consecutive evenings of overtime, he finally proposes an exchange... "Doing this for each other is kinda... se**. I like it." Even though we're at work... I'm feeling so good that I can barely stand... My dripping love juices are entangling around Ryosei's fingers and my legs... Read the long-awaited manga adaptation of "Overtime Late at Night", a hit work by the situation CD record label "Queen Lily", producer of the finest audio delights!+
Jaehyun, an ordinary college student, has recently suffered from an unpleasant dream, and in every dream a 'red snake' always appears. One day, Jaehyun, who was heading to his own room, eventually faints on the street and receives help from Suyeon, a senior who's not close to him. From that day on, Suyeon actively approaches him, wanting to become closer with Jaehyun... Even though Jaehyun doesn't want to get involved with Suyeon, Jae-hyun can't push him away...