Mature - Page 17

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

226 results

The Saint Dreams Of A Secret Love

Read Manhwa The Saint Dreams Of A Secret Love / The Saint Dreams Of Secret Love / 성녀는 은밀한 사랑을 꿈꾼다 Leah, Who Suddenly Becomes A Saintess, Leads A Secluded Life In The Academy’s Auxiliary Shrine Before Being Publicly Announced As The Saintess Who Reappeared After 50 Years. During Her Time At The Academy, She Meets A Man In The Quiet Third Library And Ends Up Having A One-Night Encounter With Him…

3 days ago

The Secret Bedroom Of A Dejected Royal Daughter

The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter / The Abandoned Princess’ Secret Bedroom / The Abandoned Princess’ Secret Room / The Secret Bedroom of the Forsaken Princess / 버림받은 왕녀의 은밀한 침실 “A woman who does not know love, may you know the joy of pleasure.” The curse of lust placed on Lewellyn, a princess who was once revered but miserably abandoned. In order to prevent the curse, she would have to spend the night with a man! She eventually opens her own private bedroom… Childhood friend Armandite, who returned as a hero of the Holy Sword, Commander Tristan, who is as blunt as a rock, but somehow wanders around her. Beautiful but somehow twisted, Holy Priest Ernel. And, watching her, ‘someone.’ Will she be able to break the curse safely? Who will be with the thorny princess? – “It sounds lovely.” The priest smiled beautifully. – “Princess, do you like my body, not me?” Tristan said in a voice that had everything crumbled. – “I mean.” “… … .” “I didn’t want to hold you like this.” “Hush!” Lewellyn gasped and looked at Armandite. Alternative Name The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter / The Abandoned Princess’ Secret Bedroom / The Abandoned Princess’ Secret Room / The Secret Bedroom of the Forsaken Princess / 버림받은 왕녀의 은밀한 침실


The Secret Promise

Lee Jisoo has one goal in life: to destroy Chairman Jung the same way he destroyed her family. While trying to get dirt on Jung’s private life, she runs into Moon Hyun-soo, the CEO of an investment company. Much to Jisoo’s surprise. Hyun-soo offers to help with her scheme. Without knowing Hyun-soo’s hidden agenda, Jisoo decides to trust him and form a secret partnership. Will this promise born from revenge turn into something more?


The Seductive Wife

Some Marry For Love, And Some Marry For Convenience. In Ijae’s Case, She Marries Yuheon, The Son Of A Business Tycoon, To Save Her Family After Her Father Ends Up In Deep Debt. Even Though Their Marriage Is Contractual, Ijae Feels An Intense Attraction For The Cold And Calculating Yuheon. Every Night In Her Dreams, She Imagines What It Would Be Like To Make Love With Him… Until One Day, The Two End Up Actually Sharing A Passionate Night Together. But Will Their Physical Chemistry Be Enough To Build A Genuine Connection? Or Will Ijae Remain A Pawn In Yuheon’s Game?


The Substitute Bride

Her sister eloped with another man the day before wedding, so she became the substitute to marry that man. On the wedding night, her cool husband said that she should begin to fulfill the obligation of the wife, but he called her sister's name when she put off her clothes... She began to pay off her sister's debt, but cannot imagine...


The Trapped Beast

Read Manhua The Trapped Beast / Con Thú Bị Mắc Bẫy / Khốn Thú Chi Nhiễm / Kun Shou Zhi Ran / Kùn Shòu Zhī Rǎn / The Dye Of The Trapped Beast / The Taint Of A Trapped Beast / 困兽之染 / 困獸之染 He Once Belonged To The Royal Family Of A Country, But Due To The Defeat, He Could Only Be A Captive For The Powerful People Of The Victorious Country To Choose And Play With Him. The Most Important Obstacle Is The Second Prince Of The Enemy, Hill, Who Has Been Marked By Him By Accident And Is A Beautiful Omega, And His Love And Hatred Are Closely Entangled With The Darkness Of Revenge…


The Urban Miracle Doctor

Lin Xiu returned to civilization confident and proud after training with a master who cannot be named on a celestial island cut off from the real world. In his quest to uphold justice, he courageously picks fights with elites in the community wreaking havoc among the rich and the powerful. Be it ghosts, spirits, or seniors of the daoist association, he is fearless. Will the little girl Xiao Tong stay a little girl as she accompanies him on his journey to track down the rest of his friends from the orphanage they once shared? Are you dissatisfied? Do you consider yourself one of the strongest? 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The Wizards

Read The Wizards Novel – The Wizards Manhwa Online Free On ManhwaClan The summary of the comic The Wizards: Slow moans are coming out.. The feeling of skin touching the breath that contains heat. “I…did I do it with Zain?” “Yes, Ragiha. Ragiha is now…allowing me this part of the secret.” ‘Ragiha’ is a princess of a country and has an excellent line of witches. When she was five years old, she made the controversial Wicca ‘Zain’ her servant despite the stares all around. She has treated and cared for Zain like her own family, like brother and sister. I think this relationship will last forever. Until I dreamed of doing something like that with Zain. He who I thought of as family locked me up. &#8220;The Wizards&#8221; is also known as: The Wizards MangaZin &#8220;ZinManga, LikeManga, KunManga&#8230;&#8221; are the most searched keywords on the website MANGAZIN. We offer a wide selection of the best and newest comic series with all chapters updated quickly and featuring high-quality images, providing readers with wonderful and enjoyable reading experiences at MANGA ZIN. You can read TOP MANHWA The Twin Swords Of The Sima Deadly Nightshade The Queen&#8217;s Secret Lessons


The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven

Read “The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven Manga” – “The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven Manhwa” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven”: Soohyun Had Been Treated As A Monster Due To His White Hair And Unusual Green-Blue Eyes. Everything About Him Was Not Normal Which Led Him To Live As A Loner. Then One Day, An Angel Named Noah Unexpectedly Came Down To His Room And Talked To Him,“I’ll Cure Your Erectile Dysfunction.” Unfortunately, Instead Of Getting Cured, Soohyun Got A Side-Effect In Which He Got An Erection Regardless Of The Time And Situation Due To The Angel’s Lack Of Power. Unaware Of Soohyun’s Embarrassment, Noah Just Smugly Said,“Now, Let’s Show Them How Beautiful Monster You Are.” “The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven” Is Alternatively Named: Haneureseo Cheonsa-Ga Naeryeowa Haneun Mal / 担当はケモノ天使です。 / 하늘에서 천사가 내려와 하는 말 The Comics “The Words Of An Angel Who Came From The Heaven” Belongs To The Genre: Mature, Romance, Smut, Yaoi “Harimanga, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Manhwaclan. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comics Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant North Snow Love Story


There’s A Rat In Our House

Amidst The Freezing Winter, A Solitary Being Huddled On The Snow-Covered Pavement, Bearing The Burden Of Deep Loneliness And Faded Scars. It Had Forsaken Itself, Fragile And Vulnerable. The Reason For Welcoming This Nameless Creature Into The Home Was Straightforward. “What… Does This Mean?” “You Helped Me, And I Wish To Return The Favor.” In The Complete Darkness Where No Trace Of Light Could Penetrate, Only Two Warm Bodies Occupied The Space.


Tiger Cub

[Ignoring him because he’s young, he’s eaten!] Kim Daye, who has become a successful actress in her own way. One day, she is invited to a party by a famous director. And during the party, he encounters a big man who seems to be muscular. “Noona, it’s me.” “What?” “It’s me.” A man who suddenly acts like he knows! He introduces himself as Tae-ho, who lived next door. However, I can’t remember as if it had been erased cleanly. Daye promises to contact Tae-ho unexpectedly, but drops it. “Why don’t you call me?” A few days later, the difficulty that came back. Daye feels sorry and decides to have dinner with Taeho. Beef tripe that’s expensive! And he brags about his small success as if he were drunk and talking about it, and then stops bringing Tae-ho into the house…? “It’s crazy. It’s a ball to hit, but if you don’t hit it, it’s not a batter.” (MTL papago) Hổ Con, Mon petit tigre adoré, รักนะนายเสือน้อย, ビースト☆ベイビー〜可愛がっていた年下男子に捕食されました〜, 我的虎小子, 호랑이 새끼 &nbsp;
