Mature - Page 14

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

226 results

Struck by an Obscene Curse

“Put it inside me.” “Are you sure, Princess?” “Yes, I am. Put it inside me. Do it with me.” Abel, the third princess of the Kingdom of Ernst, grew up sheltered like a flower in a greenhouse. During her otherwise ordinary days, she suddenly became cursed. The curse of desire bestowed upon the three sisters. Cecil, the eldest sister, ate voraciously, and Charlotte, the second sister, slept as if she were dead. And I… began to feel an overwhelming sexual desire. Knights, wizards, priests; I did not discriminate in my liaisons. Sometimes with one, sometimes with two, or even… How many times will I do it today? Can I manage to sleep? My heart trembles, and I cannot tell if it’s from fear or excitement.


Sword or Blood

"Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older." Ho Dongdong traveled to another world after a car accident, and turned into an Orc elf—A hybrid of an Orc and an elf. It’s terrible enough that he is a loser in both worlds, but even worse, he is now a slave… Let’s see how this indelicate, wretched and sly elf King will turn the tide, crush the orcs and humans, and revitalize the elves’ empire! And, what stories will happen between those hotties and him? 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Teach Me, Mr. Sadistic Butler

“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” “My lady, it is time for your lesson on night companionship,” the new, mysterious, and super sadistic butler announced. Layla Yanase dreams about marrying Fujigaya, her fiance, who she has never met. “All of your flowery, happy-go-lucky thoughts… will be mowed out by me.” Fujiwara, the butler, leads Layla through brutal bridal training, which includes lessons on “night companionship.” With his verbal teasing and stunning technique, Layla is melted down to the core. But just who could this Fujiwara truly be…? Cours privés avec mon majordome sado Teach Me, Mr. Sadistic Butler พ่อบ้านกำมะลอขอฝึกคุณหนูให้เป็นเจ้าสาว ドS執事に花嫁調教されてます


Tears On A Withered Flower

Read “Tears On A Withered Flower Novel” – “Tears On A Withered Flower Manga” Online Free At Hot Manga The Summary Of The Comic Tears On A Withered Flower: Na Hae-Soo’s Life Unravels When Her Husband Betrays Her With An Affair, Leaving Her Burdened With Debt And Losing Their Child. In A Devastating Blow, She Witnesses Him With A Younger Woman. Broken And Despondent, Na Hae-Soo Feels Her Life Crumbling Around Her. However, A Mysterious Young Man Unexpectedly Enters Her Life, Asking To Be Taught About Adult Love. His Vulnerability And Sincerity Begin To Stir Emotions Within Na Hae-Soo, Challenging Her To Reconsider Her Path Forward. “Tears On A Withered Flower” Is Also Known As: 시든 꽃에 눈물을 The Comic “Tears On A Withered Flower” Belongs To The Genre: Manhwa, Mature, Romance “Manhuaplus, Manga Updates, Manhwa Website…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Kun Manga. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Likemanga. You Can Read Top Manga The Regretful Villainess Is Happy Because She Got Divorced Underworld Restaurant I Became The King By Scavenging

1 days ago

That’s Right, Good Job, Eat It

Eight years ago, I reunited with my first love, who had unilaterally broken up with me and disappeared. Now, I love her too much to hate her, and I declared that I would do anything to start over with her. However… “I don’t like unattractive guys.” An unexpected twist in the scenario?! In order to meet the girl I love, I must literally become her pet human(?) and say, “Make me your dog.”


That’s Right, Good Job, Eat It

Eight Years Ago, I Reunited With My First Love, Who Had Unilaterally Broken Up With Me And Disappeared. Now, I Love Her Too Much To Hate Her, And I Declared That I Would Do Anything To Start Over With Her. However… “I Don’t Like Unattractive Guys.” An Unexpected Twist In The Scenario?! In Order To Meet The Girl I Love, I Must Literally Become Her Pet Human(?) And Say, “Make Me Your Dog.”



“Warning: Mature content: This manga contains materials that might not be suitable to children under 17. By proceeding, you are confirming that you are 17 or older.” Grand duke Rosalind Idris Apeluden, the current emperor’s only brother-in-law. He received a beautiful slave slave as a gift from his close friend. Unable to release the wounded prisoner, Rosalind gave him the name Fenrir and nursed him by his side. Fenrir, who begins to open up to Rosalind after a while, begins to make her his only companion in life… 대공님의 애완 수인 / The Grand Duke’s Pet / The Archduke’s Pet


The Beast Within

Description Ray And Her Older Brother Hayes Are Driven Out Of Their Home As Their Household Falls Apart. Hoping To Find Shelter, They Arrive At An Ominous Castle Covered In Bloody Red Roses Located In The Middle Of Nowhere. This Is Where Ray Meets The Castle’s Mysterious Host Clodan—A Dark, Beasty Man Possessing Dangerous Charm And Even More Deadly Secrets. Within The Enclosed Walls Of A Remote Castle, There Is No Reason Or Logic Left As Clodan Desires Innocent Ray.

12 hours ago

The Beastly Count After Dark

Read Manhwa The Beastly Count After Dark Online For Free On Zinmanga The Content The Beastly Count After Dark: Violetta, Striving To Support Her Sister After Losing Their Parents, Encounters Theobald, An Enigmatic Aristocrat Who Irrevocably Alters Her Life. Taking On The Role As Theobald’s Maid, Violetta Navigates Treacherous Waters Filled With Political Intrigue And Forbidden Desires. As Violetta And Theobald’s Relationship Deepens Amidst A Backdrop Of Betrayal And Manipulation, Violetta Grapples With Her Conflicting Loyalties And The Moral Ambiguity Of Her Role As Both Confidante And Pawn In A Dangerous Game. Associated Names: The Night With The Count / At Night, The Count / 伯爵大人夜未眠 / 밤만 되면 백작님이 New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. Transformed Into A Piece Of Land Spring Letter In The Snow I Became The Youngest Member Of Top Idol Mangazin Is A Website That Aggregates The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Quickly To Serve Readers With High-Quality Images And Deliver Them An Excellent Experience.

2 days ago

The Billionaire’s Replacement Wife

River lived in a loveless marriage for years to a handsome billionaire, Noah De Marco. His love died seven years prior and he needed a woman to become a replacement wife, to carry his children and warm his bed at night. River agreed to the agreement, secretly hoping he would someday love her for who she was, and not a placeholder for his deceased first love. But it seemed, even after six years of marriage, he never did. Finally, River must decide whether she could continue the life she had known all this time, or leave behind her husband and his children and start afresh somewhere. Would she do it? Could she do it?


The Billionaire’s Replacement Wife

River Lived In A Loveless Marriage For Years To A Handsome Billionaire, Noah De Marco. His Love Died Seven Years Prior And He Needed A Woman To Become A Replacement Wife, To Carry His Children And Warm His Bed At Night. River Agreed To The Agreement, Secretly Hoping He Would Someday Love Her For Who She Was, And Not A Placeholder For His Deceased First Love. But It Seemed, Even After Six Years Of Marriage, He Never Did. Finally, River Must Decide Whether She Could Continue The Life She Had Known All This Time, Or Leave Behind Her Husband And His Children And Start Afresh Somewhere. Would She Do It? Could She Do It?


The Bridal Night

Haneul is a woman with terrible luck, and all she wants is a peaceful and normal life. But one day, she has an erotic dream about a mysterious man, who reveals himself to be the king of demons and the only dragon in the other world, Jinmong. Jinmong wants to make Haneul his bride, but she doesn't believe in his existence. They begin a fateful and destined romance, but what will be their ending?
