The school is suddenly transported to another world, where it is overrun by monsters and turned into hell. Okoyo Takumi, who lost his life while trying to escape with his beloved sister, Haruna, realizes that every time he dies he returns to the same time. Takumi is at the mercy of the monsters’ deadly siege and imprisoned in a prison of time that sends him back to the same time every time he dies. He continues to struggle, overcoming the rape and death of his loved ones time and time again. After successfully hunting an orc, a fanfare resonates in Takumi’s mind. [You leveled up!]
Shinjuku, 2012. Yamada, who works as a hostess in a night club, meets Mii-chan, a new girl who is no good at anything she does. Mii-chan is energetic and motivated, but she can\'t read kanji or the atmosphere, so she is ridiculed by those around her and labeled as \"pitiful.\" Nevertheless, Yamada is gradually drawn to Mii-chan as she works diligently. (Translated from Magazine Pocket.) (Originally serialised on X/Twitter under a pseudonym and released in collected volumes on Kindle. The original manga began with shorts, then ran \"Mii-chan and Yamada-san\" as a lengthier story. This is a reboot with the same basic premise. The author worked in a hostess club when she was in college, but has publicly stated in interviews and on social media that while there was a \"Mii-chan\" who served as the inspiration for the character, everything else about the story is fictional.)
Lala, the daughter of a nobleman, is sent to the castle of Walter the Feudal Lord, in place of her sister who has eloped. Lala is prepared to be treated harshly, but for some reason, Walter grows fiercely attached to Lala as though he was never even remotely engaged to her sister to begin with. ...... It\'s a story about a love fantasy of a yandere in a fantasy world!