The story revolves around three teenagers: Nomiya Tomomi, a high school dropout, Togawa Kiyoharu, an ex-sprinter who now plays wheelchair basketball and Takahashi Hisanobu, a popular leader of the high school's basketball team who now finds himself a paraplegic after an accident. Real features a cast of characters who find themselves being marginalized by society, but are all united by one common feature: a desire to play basketball, with no place to play it in. Nomiya, being a high school dropout, has no future in his life. Togawa, being a difficult personality, finds himself constantly feuding with his own teammates. Takahashi, once a popular team leader, now finds himself being unable to move from the chest down. Real also deals with the reality of physical disabilities, and the psychological inferiority that the characters struggle against. The characters break through their own psychological barriers bit by bit.
A new official spin-off of the popular weekly series Haikyuu!! In which our protagonists are the members of the rival schools. A comedy series about their ridiculous antics that you can't read in the original story!
It is a manga of high-school baseball. The main character, who is a pitcher from a country high school, accidentally gets teamed up with a catcher from a school with an elite baseball team. He decides to quit his school to attend the school that this catcher plays... Winner of the 53rd Annual Shogakukan Manga award (2008) and the 34th Annual Kodansha Manga Award for the Shounen category. Sport manga you may also like: + Daiya no A - Act II + Smoky B.B
This spring, Tokyo TV’s newly employed announcer Fukuro was given the task to gather information & do a close report on the infamous hunk of the professional baseball world; Shiratori Reiichi. Given this important opportunity Fukuro is determined to do his best! However, the following morning he wakes up to a stark naked Shiratori sleeping beside him, trouble ensues! The demanding and selfish Shiratori with the hard working and Timid Fukuro! Watch as their love story unfolds.
2nd Match: Real Madrid vs. FC Barcelona
Super Yankee, Tendô Haruku, lives in the Ibaraki countryside. A lover of rebel yankee girls and MAX canned coffee, he is living peacefully... Until he meets the beautiful Sawa and the sport of Ping Pong. The beginning of a legend!
High schooler Torii plans to get the girl, even if she is his teacher. The teacher plans to grow up and leave behind her basketball-playing youth. In basketball, planning and strategy can win the game, but is that also true for real life? -Baka Updates
Mei Sengoku is an independent girl and captain of her high school kendo club who enjoys helping others in need. This has earned her a lot of admirers among the girls at her school, as well as a guy named Shirou Fuji well-known at school for his girly way of speaking and gestures. When Shirou asks Mei to go out with him, she simply rejects him, but he comes back the next day and tells her he's not going to give up on her so easily.
A boy becomes enamored with Ribbon (rhythmic gymnastics) after seeing a young woman dancing by a shrine one evening. Years later, he steps onto the mat for a Ribbon competition. Everyone is shocked to see a boy trying to compete. Can he get past the stigma and dance on equal footing?
A parody of the popular Prince of Tennis series, it chronicles the daily school life of various characters.
Sakura Kousuke is a boy who strives to throw away a past mired in regret. He transfers to a new school for his second year of high school, believing it will give him a chance to come clean. Unbeknownst to him, however, the appearance of five other "Sakura"s in his class will bring the past to his present, forcing him to come to terms with himself, his old friends, and a girl who, though being Kousuke's complete opposite in terms of personality, also knows him better than anyone else.
HaremHistoricalHorrorIsekaiJoseiManhuaManhwaMartial ArtsMature
MechaMedicalMysteryOne shotPsychologicalRomanceSchool LifeSci fiSeinen
ShoujoShoujo AiShounenShounen AiSlice of LifeSmutSportsSupernaturalTragedy
Source ANN: Shigeharu Honda is a Major League batter on the rise. His son Goro is a Little League pitcher who one day hopes to follow in his father`s footsteps. Momoko Hoshino is Goro`s schoolteacher, and the first woman Shigeharu has been interested in since the death of Goro`s mother. The destinies of these three individuals will become intertwined as father and son experience both heartbreak and triumph, on the baseball diamond. But when an unspeakable tragedy visits the family, it will take everything they have to pick up the pieces and reclaim their dreams.