The story revolves around junior high schoolers Sayaka and Tomo. Sayaka is under extreme pressure at home, and Tomo is secretly living an alternate life as 'Pochi', his mom's pet dog. They become friends after an accidental meeting, and although they lead very different lives, they quickly become each other's main support.
The main character of Izumi Yuu's "Spiral of Pleasure" learns a surprising fact: a filthy mouth can be a turn-on.
Risho is a girl that is destined to one day inherit the temple and become a priestess. But the thing is, she doesn't want to. What will become of her? And who's that guy she meets? Will it make her change her mind? [From Selene Scans]
From NagareBoshi: Mai Kojima is a slightly ditzy 16 year old. She’s gotten her first boyfriend! They’ve been dating for 3 months. Even though they should be at their most lovey-dovey, they haven’t been able to make out at all… That’s because her boyfriend Yu-kun is a super exam-taking student aiming for T-University. Every day is an uneasy one without much hugging or kissing. "Come on, I wanna do more lovey-dovey stuff!!"
KUMASHIRO Ai (14-years-old) is an energetic and friendly middle schooler. Her childhood friend, Kotarou, is a goofy, 15-years-old guy who dreams of being a movie director. One day, on her way home from school, she finds an interesting looking "toy" and decides to take it home. The next morning, she finds an "alien" right next to her!! All the "alien" can say is "Woo, Woo." What's Ai going to do with it!?
A police story about two very different types of men teaming up to fight crimes in high places. The combination turns out to be one-of-a-kind. The story is based on the adventures of a pair of policemen, Hashiba Shigemi 26 years old and Keiichi Sasaki, 22. The two handsome young men are somewhat nonconformist and often act of impulse; especially the impetious Hashiba. They solve crimes with "less-than-orthodox" methods and push themselves to the limits of the legality; Often engaging themselves more on hunches and "faith" than for the same law; but after all they are the best "Combination" that can be found, thus the title of the series. They prefer to take action against the politically corrupt and the dealings of the yakuza. The Japanese Robin Hood?
Hidaka Ikumi lost contact with his older brother Tomo at a young age after Tomo was adopted by another family. Now in present time, with Ikumi at 16 years, Tomo had suddenly returned. Much to Ikumi's surprize, Tomo had came back dressed as a woman. Or at the very least, a very girly man. What had happened to Tomo that would cause him to now dress like this and why did he return? [From ShoujoMagic]: Ikumi HIDAKA is a young man who lives with his grandmother and enjoys doing chores in his spare time. Then one day, his older brother Tomonori, whom he lost contact with when the boy was adopted by another branch of the family at the age of 5, returns. But why does Tomonori now look like a woman...!?
From CoyoMoose: Lose a game of jan-ken-pon and you have to confess to the guy you love?! From that game on starts the pain, smiles, and tears of confession in this omnibus series!
Its pretty much a oneshot about a girl who just about to transfer schools but a guy kisses her thinking it was something to mess with her but was he truely messing with her that is the question, read on!! Oneshot about a girl, named Hitomi, who is transfering schools. But right before she leaves, her crush Matsunaga decides to play with her. So is he really just messing with her or is there a reason behind the jokes?
The story about Caramel Theater, their owners and workers with different personalities! Love, friendship and family will tie them together or make them want to strangle each other!
A collection of sweet love stories. 1. Honey Moon As her father married again, Mio has a stepbrother. Surprisingly, he is Junpei whom she has been in one-sided love with. The situation complicated her feelings, but they began to live together. Now Mio and Jumpei have to spend three weeks alone. 2. Best Position 3. Cool 4. Last Scene