The story revolves around Uyu Shunzi, an athletics girl whose always been cared for by the gentle Gunten and teased by her other classmate, Shuntsen Kougi. Kougi is a popular high jumper on their school and had always call Shunzi a monkey. Because of their constant bickering the two would always end up running laps as punishment. In their day to day lives, Shinzu had always thought she was a normal girl until a near fall on the school stairs caused her to find out a secret: She can fly.
In the Miyori no Mori series: 1 - Miyori no Mori A young girl abandoned by her parents explores the wooded hillside behind her grandmother's home, encountering the various spirits of the forest in a journey of the heart. 2 - Miyori no Mori no Shiki 3 - Zoku Miyori no Mori no Shiki
A meditation (or, if you will, a parody) on what what we consider “normal” and “abnormal”.
From Aerandria Scans: Dear God, there's a super perverted and devilish guy in this sacred academy...!! And yet for some reason, I can't keep my heart from racing for him... Oh dear God, would you forgive me for falling in love with such an outrageous priest...? there's three one shots
From Loyal Kiss: Every time you sent me one of your fake smiles, my fists clench automatically. If I had a gun in my pocket, I would have shot you. Tied by a secret that keeps him from loving the one he loves, he is Choi EunJo. The handsome and much beloved idol, he is Im Sol - no girl can resist his killer smile. But for Narae, all she feels is disgust. Bam!! Where will Narae's Love Bullet fly?
From Storm in Heaven: Saotome Masahiko is a plant fanatic that just transferred into his dream school, where he finds out that one of his classmates, Tendou Tasuku, is actually an evolved plant. Tasuku is aloof and not exactly fond of humans, but can Masahiko's innocence win him over? Despite their differences, is it possible for super plants and humans to coexist side by side, and even become... friends?
From ShoujoMagic: STORY 01: DJ "COOL" Chiaki never expected to fall in love with the number one night club DJ! STORY 02: Pianist "Sou" Mizue is charmed by her enigmatic music professor. STORY 03: Guitarist "Demi" Hinano's boyfriend just dumped her because she's not his type! She's too cute, and he wants a sexy girl... but it would seem Hinano's mailman disagrees. By day, he hand delivers her mail, and by night he lets down his bleached blonde hair, and... (!!!) -- but guys like that aren't Hinano's type! STORY 04: Princess Hungry Aoi, age 17, has a problem -- an abnormal appetite! It's getting hard to keep it a secret from her classmates, but she can't let them know. She still remembers when she started dating her crush Kousaka... and then when he caught her pigging out after they'd parted one night, he never spoke to her again. But now Aoi is going on a trip with some classmates and their friends... and Kousaka is with them!? Is he mad at Aoi? Will he tell everyone her secret??
Stories in this volume: • Kigi no Yukue Juri has always been saying to herself that she has done everything that she wanted to do, and has lived to her own satisfaction. Plus, she's always been skipping class and coming in late in the mornings, only to be confronted by her class rep, Yoh. Aware of her own situation, she knows that she shouldn't leave any remaining desires and feelings behind... • Santa ni Naritai (I Want to Become Santa) • Koe ni Naru Ever since something that frightened her as a child, Suzune hasn't spoken to anyone ever since. For a long time, she always thought to herself that she didn't need a voice, and that there were other ways of expressing her feelings. However, all of that changes when she meets the energetic and talkative Takuya.
One girl. A very poor high schooler. One that just happens to see a very rare breed of dog, who lost its way home. One that found the dog its owner. One that was granted an award - a gigantic house willed to her?! She can have the house, on one condition - she must watch over Gold, the dog, with love and care. And she will be graded by the original heir to the house... Oh my God, someone save her! From Evil Flowers: A very poor high school girl finds a very rare brand dog on her way home. Grateful for her help the dog’s owner gives her a huge house as an award, but, in order to have it she must continue to take care of Gold, the dog that she found. Will the money be worth it?
From Rayns&Lele Scans: A devastating disease called Melancholia spreads across certain areas of the city, causing the unfortunate person to lose their memories of their most important person. Kazanami Toki is unaware that he has caught the incurable disease, but "by chance" he meets his forgotten lover, Hanamiya Yuna. After their fateful encounter, he is left with a strange feeling he is unable to understand...
From Senpai Scans: Himesato Ui has just enrolled in her late mother's old high school, Shinomiya Academy, as a first year! Hatsu's mother was known as "Prima", the most beautiful girl, in the Academy. Ui was full of hope and expectations in enrolling in the Academy, but she was puzzled by the Academy's system of evaluation for students was by a point system. Furthermore, in the school, she met an unknown pretty boy?!