Shuuya Inukai is a model student at a high school who one day attracts the attentions of an ojou-sama, Kantori Isuzu, when she realizes that he is bearing, on his forehead, an X-shaped scar...that was also present on her pet dog's forehead...which leads her believe that Shuuya is actually the reincarnation of the said animal. And now Shuuya's days as Isuzu's pet begin.
Meet Sui, a native from an unspecified foreign country. She has moved to Japan to get married and this story revolves around her adapting to Japanese culture and life…
From Endless Abyss: Hatogaya, a man who used to love base ball and gave up on it, gets set up to take the fall for his company and gets sent to prison. a high school principal and his former coach, who's school is about to lose its baseball program bails hatogaya out, but in exchange for getting him out of jail he has to coach the schools not so great baseball team.
One ruler...One assassinOriginal webcomic:
From the story "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" It was during the final days of the year 200 AD, when the Han dynasty saw its end. Its demise ushered in a new era of chaos, brought on by several regional lords vying to rule China. There were those who sought absolute power as well as those who fought for justice. Some simply fought for the sake of their beliefs. Many would rise and fall in their attempts to dominate the land... and here are their stories.
Nako is a poverty-stricken 21 year-old in desperate need of a job. She applies for a job at a jewelry store. When shop owner Ren identifies herself as a lesbian, the competition for the position evaporates, leaving only Nako. Ren asks her if her sexual orientation will be a problem, Nako sensibly replies that she's not interested, so she doesn't see any problem.
28 years earlier, there was a plane crash in the mountains of Gifu Prefecture. The barrier that the Kobo Daishi, Kukai had created to seal away the demons was destroyed in crimson flames... Present day, Oniwakamaru, King of the Yokai, appears inside the body of pure and innocent Tachibana Hitori!!
In the city of Ergastulum, a shady ville filled with made men and petty thieves, whores on the make and cops on the take, there are some deeds too dirty for even its jaded inhabitants to touch. Enter the “Handymen,” Nic and Worick, who take care of the jobs no one else will handle. Until the day when a cop they know on the force requests their help in taking down a new gang muscling in on the territory of a top Mafia family. It seems like business (and mayhem) as usual, but the Handymen are about to find that this job is a lot more than they bargained for.
- The synopsis is not the same as, the B.A.W version, I used the B.A.W synopsis because it was just easier than my TLer to translate it. - So please stop changing this description as they are actually not the same...
The Mushoku Tensei 4Koma.