After getting bullied by his ex-friend, Baba, Daikichi discovers a god named Hanazki living in his grandpa’s antique shop. Will Daikichi follow along with Hanzaki’s plans for revenge and destruction or will he choose a different path? Golden Future Cup Nominee #5
A Vegeta/Goku doujinshii
Marion is a young schoolboy who prides himself on his adherence to a philosophy he calls \"realism\". Because of his distain for emotional display, he ignores anything remotely akin to affection. But when Marion is entangled in a romantic affair with an older courtesan, his rationalism is revealed to be little more than a cover for his own emotional immaturity. Learning to love, Marion blossoms under his older lover\'s care but unfortunately, Marion has yet to learn the true price of the affair.
Sawamura and Miyuki are ready to take their relationship to the next level.