In the shadows of the world-renowned heroic story, Sesame, an adorable and derpy fox spirit, who hoped to serve under a powerful and benevolent lord, instead encounters a chatterbox monk. On his journey to hunt for a job, Sesame meets an Auntie with a Dongbei accent, Old-man Huang who has had a moving love story, and a lumberjack-magically-turned-bear who fell for Auntie at first sight...
Set in the Taisho era (1912-1926). Two years after the famous author Uro vanishes, his last manuscript is found at the house of competing author Otogai, who seems obsessed with (or is it possessed by?) the dead man, even as Otogai's garden seems haunted by a mysterious cameilla bush.
A man and a woman meet in a time far from ours, in the ancient time of China. Love blossoms between the man and the woman, but this isn’t an easy time to love. And together they need to fight for the love they share together. Follow Liu Pu wei and Lu kou in a love story that takes you to the ancient time of China. Summary from Mangaupdates
It's about young people in postwar Hiroshima getting involved in the black market for weapons. The main character is an A-bomb survivor whose hatred drives him to kill an American black marketeer. He asks the Americans, "Who are you to talk about justice when you massacred hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Hiroshima, in Nagasaki, in the firebombing of Tokyo? Was that what you call justice?"
From Aerandria Scans: Mysterious alchemist Lorenzo Lusignano, descendant of the royal family of Cyprus, is searching for the ultimate secret of alchemy – the Philosopher’s stone “Elixir.” Rumors of this blood-red gem creep everywhere, but nobody seems to have seen it, so Lorenzo’s travels through Europe’s Renaissance are never easy.
In the country of Goldland, it is prohibited to have a princess succeed the throne. When the queen has a daughter, she decides to raise her as a boy, and have her identity be a secret. However, Sapphire would occasionally don girl's clothes.One day, disguised as a girl, Sapphire meets Franz Charming, a prince from another country. Not knowing the truth of her identity, they fall in love. However, Duke Duralumin, a distant relative to Goldland's king, is plotting to overthrow him... Note: Different from the 1963 version that was serialized in Nakayoshi. This version is shorter and does not include characters like Captain Blood.---**Volumes 85 and 86 of the Osamu Tezuka Complete Works**
Manga parody of Donald Trump running in Coro Coro magazine.
From JanimeS: The series begins as a guest visits a temple where Myo-Un and Ryu-Sang are living along with many other orphan children. This guest turns out to be an assassin who came to kill a certain someone who is the last child of a powerful family in Su country. The assassin's employer, who remains anonymous, wants to clean up every root of possible problems. The assassin calls for reinforcements and attacks the lady of the temple, revealing that the lady of the temple is also another last descendent of another powerful family that was drawn out of Su country. Myo-Un, Ryu-Sang, and others are forced to flee the temple. Thus, Myo-Un & Ryu-Sang's journey begins, and the assassin is still after them. Note: Nabi: The Prototype is divided into six stories. Stories three to six features Myo-un and Ryu-Sang days in the temple before the story in Nabi began.
From Storm in Heaven: Daisuke took a step. He was asked to join the Tokko (aka Kamikaze) and he accepted, offering his life to his country. Set during the very end of World War 2, this story begins when Daisuke decides to die and tells the reader why he decided to make such an extreme decision. Was it for his country, was it for peace, or was it because everyone else made the same choice? What's in a man's mind when he knows he's going to die? Even in this rather tragic scenario, there is still hope -- perhaps in a picture of your mother, or in a girl, or maybe in the future...
From Ramen Queens Scanlations: Dong Hui accidentally witnesses a girl who can control objects with her mind. The girl, wary of his presence, knocks him out. Dong Hui, fearful for his life, did something that would link their lives together. What happens when two extraordinary people meet? A story of two irregulars who became extraordinary.
Nu No Ryouiki summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Nu No Ryouiki. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The year is '387' in 'Gogeuryuh, city of Yodong' where there is much conflict between two nations. Lately 'Hoo yun' soldiers (the enemy nation) have been subtly harrasing the citizens in the outskirts of Gogeuryuh. A faithful young Prince of Gogeuryuh- Prince Dam Duk is outraged and therefore saves his people by wielding his sword, but doing so- he loses his title of 'prince', and becomes a 'Wanted' fugitive of his nation! Icekey1 ^ - ^