The story of \"Katarika: The Curse of Ghostly Tales\" follows a group of girls trapped by a mysterious \"curse\" linked to Ghostly tales. It combines thrilling suspense and emotional depth, focusing on their friendships as they navigate this eerie phenomenon. The manga blends supernatural horror with the characters\' personal struggles, unraveling a chilling tale of how stories can shape and destroy their world.
Poor little sister who loves her onii-chan
A mystery murder case shatters Lan Zhiqing\'s serene and blissful life into pieces. The past she has long forgotten returns in the form of a nightmarish case, encroaching ever the closer... Shocked, Lan Zhiqing discovers that the most dangerous existence may just be the person she shares a bed with.
**Link:** - Alternative Official Raw - [Pixiv]( (Page 11 only, Artist compiled it with their other work and illustrations)
**Link:** - Alternative Official Raw - [Pixiv]( (Page 1 only, Artist compiled it with their other work and illustrations)
**Link:** - Official Raw (Chapter 2) - [Pixiv](