Jigoku no Senki is an erotically charged noir/action series written by Shiro Azuma and illustrated by Toshio Maeda that was originally serialized in 1977 under the title \"Taxi Driver\" but underwent a title change (feel free to speculate as to why) for its 3 volume tankoubon release in 1981. The story is about a former police detective who works as a taxi driver in order to keep his daughter on life support. He isn’t just a taxi driver, though, but also an extremely efficient hitman and he has a personal score to settle...
Kuraishi is an introverted high school boy with a mean look, no friends, and seriousness as his only merit. He has always kept a low profile, until his peaceful life was shattered by a girl. Komukai-san is a minefield (?) of a girl, a delinquent who keeps trying to convince Kuraishi to skip school! She\'ll miss classes, skip cram school, and ignore her parents. But Kuraishi couldn\'t help but be attracted to the mysterious Komukai-san, as she tempts him in increasingly bold ways!!
As life gets harder, Ian pushes his emotions away and resists. His father\'s violence and debts increase. Thee misfortunes continued and his body became increasingly numb, he accidentally walks in on an illegal fight and receives an offer. \"If you get in the game, I will give you all the money on this floor.\" His survival period begins, where he must survive in an illegal fighting arena.
소설 속 막내황자가 되었다, Becoming the youngest prince in the novel The novel Chronicles of the Hero of Frosimar is a story about the failures of the protagonist not the successes. “This is terrible.” The First Emperor, who conquered the whole world, closed his eyes with a brief appreciation (after reading the novel). But the moment he opened his eyes again, there were only a few lines about him in the Chronicles of the Hero of Frosimar. This was because he became an imprisoned prince who met death with his first appearance (in the novel).