Set before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, The story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Alexandria class carrier. There he meets Carl Matsubara, another new Titans recruit, Audrey April a skilled pilot and chief of test operations and data gathering, and Wes Murphy, a veteran of the One Year War and the Delaz Conflict. The Black Otter team doesn’t just carry out test runs, it also participates in real combat missions against Zeon Remnants and later, against AEUG.
Set in U.C. 0084, before Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, the story follows the Titans Test Team, Black Otter Team, on their mission to test new mobile suits for the Titans. It begins with Eliard Hunter, an Earth Federation mobile suit pilot being assigned to the Titans and transferring to the Aswan, an Alexandria class carrier. There he meets Carl Matsubara, another new Titans recruit, Audrey April a skilled pilot and chief of test operations and data gathering, and Wes Murphy, a veteran of the One Year War and the Delaz Conflict. The Black Otter team doesn’t just carry out test runs, it also participates in real combat missions against Zeon Remnants and later, against AEUG. Manga adaptation of the photonovel of the same name.
Ming He is a young man with hidden supernatural power. But his power is the most useless power, of white dust rank. Cycling in a deserted highway on his way home, a catastrophe named ” goddess” hits Ming He. And after meeting Ming He, it becomes a possession spirit. The “Goddess” gave Ming He a powerful and extraordinary superpower. His original “trash” superpower got an unexpected buff, and with that, Ming He became the strongest human. Step by step, he slowly discovered the truth behind the universe's power!
Lee Harin is a model student in his school who has an all perfect face, education, and personality. But one day he had a dream of changing his tedious life. The next day, a strange transfer student comes and sits next to him. But he suddenly said he’s going to kill Harin that day. Harin, who’s troubled by the transfer student who chases him around threatening to kill him, begs for forgiveness. But the transfer student gets mad saying that he needs to get his revenge. Can Harin overcome this crisis?!
Having gained independence from Revro, the Earth secretly trains an army of boys. Jino and Izare are abandoned to the camp, and Izare silently sacrifices himself to keep his promise to Maria that he'd look after Jino. But Jino escapes the soul-killing cruelty of the camp. With Jino in his heart, Izare remains to become an ultimate weapon. The boys' lives, and the secrets of the mysterious Maria, gradually unravel. For Earth, can peace and utopia be won?
In this world, a small percentage of all living beings can awaken to powers... but all humans who do are limited from using theirs. "For the sake of peaceful coexistence between espers and non-espers," The Empress said, "compromises must be made, and both must tolerate and accept each other." "Espers or not; beneath me, all men are equal," Her Majesty declared.The story follows a pair of young agents from the Espers Affairs Department and their newcomer trainees through various situations: fighting against threats of various levels, interacting with people from different parts of society... meanwhile going through their own personal dramas and unresolved issues.
Aflame Inferno is about a self absorbed high schooler, Kang Shichan, that gets caught in the middle of a battle between demons. Injured severely and near death, the demon Inferno merges with the student to save his life. Together they win the battle to discover that they are inescapably joined. The only hope of ever being separate beings is to close down 1,000 Invento Hells and find the right spell of Resurrection. Can Kang Shichan balance hunting down demons with his school work? Note: The series changes from Korean to Japanese. Name and location switch with the publications nationality around chapter 43.
Set in a "futuristic, yet feudal Japan," and stars a samurai named Afro for his hair. The story follows Afro as he tries to avenge his father's murder. In the world of Afro Samurai, it is said that the one who becomes "Number One", will rule the world, wielding powers akin to a god. Someone becomes Number One by killing the previous Number One and taking his ceremonial headband. However, the only rule in this world is that only the "Number Two" (also designated by a sacred headband) is allowed to fight the "Number One." The downside of this is that anyone (and typically everyone) can challenge and try to kill the Number Two, to gain the right to move forward and challenge Number One. Afro Samurai's father was the old Number One, until he was challenged by a gunman, "Justice" (who was then Number Two), who fought him in a duel to become the new Number One. At the time the gunman challenged his father, Afro had only been a child. The gunman severed his father's head right in front of the young Afro. Now an adult, Afro Samurai is the current Number Two and a master swordsman; he travels the road seeking revenge on Justice, the current Number One. Lengthy flashbacks interspersed throughout the story detail how Afro rose from frightened boy fleeing the death of his father, to master swordsman, and eventually to become the current "Number Two", while the story in the present deals with the adult Afro making his way to the mountain top keep of the "Number One" to duel Justice, while at the same time the mysterious cult known as the "Empty Seven Clan" sends various agents to kill Afro and take his Number Two headband.
Read After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want Manga – After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want Manhua Online Free At Hot Manhua The Summary Of The Comic After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want: After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want : Wang Rui Was An Cultivator 10,000 Years Ago. The Cultivation Civilization In Tongxuan Continent 10,000 Years Ago Was Extremely Prosperous. However, After Encountering A Catastrophe Involving The Invasion Of Extraterrestrial Evil Spirits, The Immortal Cultivation Civilization In Tongxuan Continent Suffered A Major Setback Almost All The Knowledge And People Related To Immortal Cultivation Were Annihilated. Wang Rui Reborn In The Young Master Of Wang Family, Who Has The Same Name “Wang Rui” As Him After 10000 Years. “After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want” Is Also Known As: Wo Zai Yi Wan Nian Hou Weisuo Yuwei / I Will Do Whatever I Want In Ten Thousand Years / Wǒ Zài Yī Wàn Nián Hòu Wéisuǒ Yùwéi / 我在一万年后为所欲为 The Comic After 10000 Years I Will Do Whatever I Want Belongs To The Genre: “Top Manhwa, Battwo, Harimanga…” Are The Most Searched Keywords On The Website Zinmanhwa. We Offer A Wide Selection Of The Best And Newest Comic Series With All Chapters Updated Quickly And Featuring High-Quality Images, Providing Readers With Wonderful And Enjoyable Reading Experiences At Bunmanga. You Can Read Top Manhwa Human Mask The Patron’s Daughters The Genius Idol’s Strategy To Stardom
In a world where humans and demons clash — the one who decimated the Demon Lord’s army was a lone hero named Lloyd. Possessing power so immense that he was said by the Demon Lord to be near godlike, after the war, Lloyd was appointed by the king to be the lord of a remote territory and was sent far away. Furthermore, he was tasked with subduing the Emperor Dragon residing in that land, which he quickly defeated. However, the defeated dragon transformed into a beautiful woman and chose to become Lloyd’s companion!? This is the story of a man, hailed as the strongest, yet unable to recognize his own worth, finding a “family”.
Wish was a young man who was exiled from the party because he was envied by the hero for being active in the battle against the Demon King's army, even though he was a merchant.He reluctantly set out on a journey and joined his former enemy, Lilium, who was expelled from the Demon King's army, the female executive, and Milfina, the goddess who was banished from heaven. They were three people, when Noah, who was reincarnated into another world from Japan came.They all come from different backgrounds, but what they all have in common is that they all had a past of exile. The party of only "outcasts" gathered in this way to hit it off to enjoy a second life as adventurer and hence,"Fun loser revival party life" begins!